Shouldn't paranormal believers prefer the Myth section since they are so adverse to science explaining their imaginary experiences? ?

2020-03-28 3:27 pm

回答 (10)

2020-03-29 9:04 am
Stop assuming everything is already known. We learn new things every day.
2020-03-28 8:07 pm
You’re very obsessed with how yahoo categorizes the forum topics, aren’t you? I think it has very little importance. But on that note, you seem to have trouble dealing with paranormal being a science sub category, well paranormal is as real as science and it’s 
here in this category too, so deal.
2020-03-29 8:59 pm
How old are you, 15?  People would take you more seriously if you developed some critical thinking skills.  People have real (NOT imaginary) experiences which cannot be explained by our current world view.  Science has not explanation for them.  Sometimes the experience does turn out to be a hallucination or dream, but not always.  To claim this is a gross generalization.  Many paranormal investigators are degreed scientist following the scientific method with proper controls.  I follow some of them with great interest.  And I'm a scientist myself, not superstitious.
2020-04-04 11:26 am
Yes. The science category here is flooded with spam questions about religious and paranormal beliefs, just because the people asking them can't face the fact that they've been proved wrong or ridiculous by science.
2020-03-29 10:14 pm
Shouldn't they prefer? What the hell are you talking about? How can you tell someone what they should prefer? Their preference is what it is, their preference you stupid boy. Should their preference be oranges and not apples? Your questions get more stupid each and every time you try to bait people. Try and behave you, stupid child. If you want people to notice you that much, grow up and stop with kiddy talk.
2020-05-06 9:26 am
PARANORMAL is really only the NORMAL our present Day Science does not understand yet.------We do not know ALL there is to know about the universe and nature yet, so it should make sense that we will from time to time encounter phenomena that we cannot yet explain.    It is not the reported EVENTS that are "Mythical", but only our SUPERSTITIOUS "explanations" that is incorrect and "mythical."

Hundreds of years ago, we did not know about ELECTRONS, for example, and thought Electricity and St. Elmo's fire. Were some kind of "Spirit phenomena"-----We were WRONG.   That does not mean Electrons do not exist OR electric phenomena was ever "Spirits of the dead".       A thousand years ago even MORE things were called "Paranormal".

So today there are still stuff we do not know about yet. And when we see or experience phenomena based on THOSE things, they are REAL-----But NOT really the "Ghosts" or "Magical" powers those desperate for an answer will Claim.---we really don't know what they are

The biggest Mistake the skeptics make is to confuse the EVENT people claim is "Supernatural"  with the myth used to explain it---The logic error being if the MYTH does not exist, neither does the EVENT that inspired it..    Say witnesses see a "Red ball of light" for example and call it a "Ghost"----This does NOT mean the red light was not seen simply because there was no "Ghost"---------Its the red light that needs to be studied Scientifically, even if we do not know what causes it.------The study of ANOMALIES is how new Scientific Discoveries are made.
2020-03-28 9:34 pm
Science has proven the paranormal exists there are many books written about the paranormal by the scientists who have done the experiments and studies. Part of my normal is the paranormal.
2020-03-29 9:23 am
Well, myth means false belief.  If they want to discuss the science of certain beliefs, this is the category for them. Unfortunately this rarely happens; they want to shoehorn their beliefs into science, which they evidently don’t understand, and won’t accept their beliefs are false anyway. 
2020-04-07 4:45 pm
The state of telepathy, receiving and transmitting, there is evidence that such super-senses are real.
This is from Japan.
Now, the situation in the world is unknown. Tell me about the state of the world in various ways.
Please look up the homepage by translating it on translation application or google site.

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