What is the worlds worst worst pandemic ever?

2020-03-27 4:59 pm
Which one lasted longest? When will covid-19 end?

回答 (3)

2020-03-27 5:38 pm
The Black Death in the 14th century and the Spanish Flu just after WW 1 are a couple of examples of terrifying pandemics that left many dead in their wake. They were far worse than COVID-19. How long will the current pandemic last? Your guess is as good as mine.
2020-03-28 6:16 pm
The Black Death during the middle ages killed on third of the population of Europe.
2020-03-27 9:06 pm
The Black Death was the worst, because they lacked any kind of decent medicine.
Covid 19 on the other hand is being well managed, we have treatments and hope of a vaccine very soon, and everyone is bewing well communicated with.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:47:26
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