"you ain't never had friend like me"可以說明一下這個英文文法嗎?

2020-03-26 12:14 pm
阿拉丁裡精靈唱的歌 "Friend like me",

"you ain't never had friend like me." (你不會有我這樣的朋友)
可以解說一下這個英文文法嗎?為什麼you後面是現在式be動詞? never後面又是過去式?還有哪些情況是這樣的句型?可否舉個例子?

回答 (2)

2020-03-26 3:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
 "ain't never" may be double negative in sense;eg:-You have a friend like me.
ain't is contracted form of are/is/am not,
and have/has not.
eg:-you ain't=you are not.
----I am not making friends.
eg:-never had friend=never have had friend; present participle tense;
----We have not got any friend.
----We have not got any friend like you.
----You haven't got to go to work today/
----Have you got a cold now ?
----Have you all got time to come with me ?
----What reason have you got that he is a thief?
----Have you got=Do you have any idea now ?
----Do you have had any idea now ?
2020-03-27 9:09 am
日常"粗俗"的說法 是不能用英語文法來解釋的.
但是我可以向你保證 這些都是 "標準的""常用的"英語.

可否舉個例子?(Denzel Washington: King kong ain't got nothing on me.)

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