Questions to doctors especially who know about cancer.?

2020-03-25 6:52 pm
My dad had a colon cancer like 2 years ago, he did the surgery to remove a small part of the colon and it was successful, but 2 weeks ago the doctor told him there is a small area has cancer on the liver. I've read the report but I couldn't understand it, it had so many medical terms, it's hard for me to understand, this is what the report says:

"The immunoprofile did not support metastatic colon adenocarcinoma. Pancreaticobiliary carcinoma is to be considered in the differential diagnosis. clinical and radiological correlation is recommended."

Anyone know what it means?

回答 (8)

2020-03-26 12:00 am
It means he needs more tests to rule out pancreatic cancer.
2020-03-25 8:08 pm
Sounds like the testing is suspicious for a different type of cancer, from the gallbladder, drainage duct work or pancreas. Perhaps a lab test called the CA 19-9, which is elevated with pancreatic cancer, or a needle biopsy of the liver lesion would reveal the type and help direct specific treatments.
參考: 9 years in GI practice
2020-03-25 7:58 pm
It is very important for you to discuss what it means from a doctor. 

There can be a lot of miscommunication that can happen through online media. 

From just what it written in the sentence  

immunoprofile did not support metastatic colon adenocarcinoma - this sounds they saw something abnormal in the liver and they took a sample (biopsy). when they sent it off to the lab, it said that this "cancer" in the liver does not look like it spread from the colon. So this is a separate type of cancer. 

"Pancreaticobiliary carcinoma is to be considered in the differential diagnosis" - so they do not know what this new cancer in the liver area is. But pancreaticobiliary carcinoma is a possibility"

 "clinical and radiological correlation is recommended" - so because of the uncertainty they have found in the biopsy that was sent to the lab, it is important to look at the imaging from CT scans etc. and the symptoms he is experiencing to figure out what is going on. 

Want to reinforce to please not rely on the this or anyone's opinion to make any decisions. I recommend you book another appointment with the doctor and go through the results properly and ask questions especially when you don't understand something. 
2020-03-26 5:14 am
They think it may be pancreatic cancer. They aren't sure. I'm not a doctor.
2020-03-25 10:49 pm
why not ask the doctor
2020-03-25 10:13 pm
There are no doctors here.   It's all just regular people.  Why is it you morons are incapable of waiting for the doctor to go over the test results?   I also find it hard to take a conspiracy minded idiot like you all that seriously in the first place.

Since you claim this is about your father and not you it's really none of your business anyway unless your father wants to tell you what is going on.   Stop being nosy and foolish.
2020-03-28 10:35 am
Basically it means they require more tests to know if this area that was spotted in his liver as cancer is a metastasis of the colorrectal cancer he had years ago or if it's a new cancer, in which they believe it might be pancreaticobiliary carcinoma.
Either way, your dad needs to go through more tests so his care team decides which treatment (if any) it's appropiate for his case and situation.
Hope this helps and my best wishes for you.
參考: I'm a RD who works w patients w cancer
2020-03-25 7:02 pm
As a layman it looks as if might have spread to the pancreas area and radio therapy is recommended.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:56
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