When a sailboat is approaching a powerboat, which one is the give-way vessel?
回答 (16)
When you’re approaching a vessel without motor power, such as a sailboat, they have the right of way.
An important note — a sailboat must be “under sail” to qualify for the right of way over power-driven vessels. If they’re using their small outboard motor instead, they have the same right of way as a normal powerboat.
Sail has the right of water. But you'd be crazy to argue with say an aircraft carrier or anything else with limited maneuverability.
The sail boat is assumed to have the right of way, but that really depends on the size of the power boat. Large commercial vessels can't stop or turn like smaller power boats, and sometimes, the sail boat must yield or turn to avoid conflict.
The power-driven vessel is the give-way vessel. The sailing vessel is the stand-on vessel.
Sailboats have the right of way.
The powerboat. As long as neither boat is not under command, restricted manueverability, or overtaking.
All else being equal, the powered vessel yields. However, there are multiple exceptions, such as a power boat hauling a net or trawl or the sailboat overtaking the power boat. You are also expected to use common sense, not that it is all that common.
Let's shed a tear for William Jay
Who died defending his right of way.
He was right, dead right as he sailed along
But wouldn't be deader if he'd been dead wrong.
If you aren't talking about vessels constrained by their draft (ships in channels) then the sailboat is the stand on vessel.
The laws of admiralty...the rules of the road...still apply. Go by the colored lights on the bows of each boat. If you see green on the other vessel, it means you can go.
Powerboat gives way to the less maneuverable sailboat
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:34:50
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