Why people link the crime increase related to the Corona virus pandemic in California?

2020-03-23 5:44 am
Statistics shows New York City crime rate is decreased, but California is increased. Do you think this trend is related to the Corona Virus Pandemic?

回答 (4)

2020-03-24 10:22 pm
The explosion of crime in California has more to do with AB 109 than with COVID 19. Shocking I know that when you release a whole bunch of felons prematurely with no oversight that they'd just go back to crime.
2020-03-23 8:41 am
California is opening up their jail cells. I don't know if New York is doing the same thing, but criminals in California know there's no risk to getting caught any more.
2020-03-23 7:31 am
NO, the statistics from NYC show the police are not making arrests. That is totally different from crime decreasing.
To the extent crime has decreased in NYC, it PREDATES Civid-19.
2020-03-23 5:45 am
The homeless people in California are getting more aggressive now that many people are sheltering in place.  One of them broke the window of my son's car in Sunnyvale last week.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:22:02
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