What makes us acceptable to God?

2020-03-22 5:30 am
Acts 10:34,35

回答 (13)

2020-03-22 6:00 am
Peter next said: “In every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” Acts 10:35

To fear God means to respect, honor, and trust him, avoiding anything that displeases him.

To work righteousness involves willingly doing what is right in God’s eyes. Jehovah finds pleasure in the man whose heart is filled with reverential awe that moves him to do what is right.

If you fear God, you hold him in the highest regard, fearing to displease him.

If you work righteousness, you seek to do what God says is right rather than following your own will or that of your fellow humans.
2020-03-22 6:55 am
"Love thy neighbor as thyself".
2020-03-22 5:53 am
Read and understand John, chapter 3. Jesus encounters a Pharisee, a Jewish religious ruler, named Nicodemus, who asks Jesus about His ability to perform miracles and where He is from. Seemingly ignoring the question, Jesus told the man, "unless you are 'born again' you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" (verse 3). 

Confused, Nicodemus asked if that meant "entering my mother's womb and being born a second time" (verse 4). But Jesus explained that a person must be born of water (the flesh) and of the spirit (verse 5). And being born of the spirit is by believing in the Son, Jesus (verses 14 through 21).

Any attempt to assign "good works" to acceptability to God is a failure. Only faith works (Ephesians 2:8,9). "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). Note that it does not say, "without good works it is impossible ...."
2020-03-22 5:48 am
In Acts, Peter is repeating a very commonly-expressed Christian belief that God loves those best who follow him and observe his rules--i.e. that he loves Christians best.  (But understand, these rules were the Mosaic Law, in those days. Christianity wasn't even a separate religion yet!  These were all Jewish people!)

But God designed us to be as we are.  And by definition, God is incapable of making a mistake, right?  The whole book of Genesis is a story about how God created the universe, nature, and us.  We were the angel at the top of the Christmas tree of creation!  God's masterpiece!  But almost immediately God was dissatisfied with us. For the rest of Genesis he tries to correct his mistake.  He knocks down a tower.  He warns evil-doers, and destroys a lot of them.  Finally he floods the whole earth to start over--but makes the mistake of re-seeding the world with 8 individuals of the human race, so when the population comes back it's no better. 

Finally he picks some random guy, tests him by asking him to kill his son, and when the man tries to comply, he makes a deal with him.  If he and his people will SERVE him, if they get with the program, God will multiply and prosper them.  And towards the end of Genesis, it looks like this plan might be successful.  (Ultimately it wasn't.  Man is just as rebellious, just as selfish and self-deceptive and manipulative as ever.)

But here's a question.  Why did God not just make another race?  His Mark II.  A new version of man but with the bugs fixed?  If you ask me, I'd guess it was because he was happy with us all along, just like a father whose children misbehave but he still loves them.  If you go along with the Old Testament, God is a strict father who punishes us but wants us to meet the potential he sees in us, just as a (decent) father never loses hope in his errant children.
2020-03-22 5:30 am
Tasting The Rainbow.
2020-03-23 5:13 am
2020-03-22 5:47 am
The fact of the matter: It is doing the will of God and the will of God is to be obedient to God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior holy word the bible, and spreading God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior holy word throughout the entire world, so that some might become saved. If we truly do the will of God, then we are a true believer of God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior holy word the bible only.
參考: King James holy bible
2020-03-22 5:41 am
Acceptance of Him.
2020-03-22 10:05 am
Acts 10:35 gives a pretty clear answer to your question.  It is "he that fears God and works righteousness" !

The opposite of this is stated in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9.  "Those who do not know God" and "those who do not obey the gospel" shall be eternally lost.  They are not acceptable to God, so they will be eternally separated from Him.

To be accepted by God, you must believe and respect Him and obey what He says.  Jesus saves "them that obey Him". (Heb 5:9)

For example, Jesus said, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." ( Mark 16:16)

I believe Jesus said what He meant, and meant what He said.  I believe Jesus.  He continued with his comments and said, "He that believes not shall be damned."

 So, to be accepted of God, you must believe, fear God, know God; AND work righteousness, obey the gospel, be baptized.
2020-03-22 6:19 am
According to the Holy Bible, what makes us acceptable to god is having intact genitals:

Deuteronomy 23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
2020-03-22 5:50 am
(Matthew 25:34-40) 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right: ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably; 36 naked and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

(Acts 10:4) Cornelius stared at him, terrified, and asked: “What is it, Lord?” He said to him: “Your prayers and gifts of mercy have ascended as a remembrance before God.
2020-03-22 5:41 am
I'm not sure, but Bill Gates' dad is 94 years old and SIX FOOT-SEVEN.  He looks like he weighs 350, too.  He must have done something right.
2020-03-22 5:37 am
repent your sins/trespasses of the Law, and love Him.....

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