Why is coronavirus spreading in America so quickley?

2020-03-21 3:14 pm

回答 (19)

2020-03-21 5:28 pm
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Its very contagious and our president is incompetent.
2020-03-21 3:17 pm
Because Morons Are Governing America.
2020-03-21 9:08 pm
Mainly because its so contagious and everyone has been caught out underestimating it. It isn't just America though, it's everywhere. 

Japan is doing well, mainly because they're used to wearing face masks and have supply logistics already in place. Don't be fooled though! We're always being told masks aren't effective even though they catch debris from coughs and sneezes and stop face touching. At the same time we're also told one of the main ways to catch it is by touching our faces. The Japanese also have good standards of cleanliness in their public places and transport systems. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learnt here! 

It's also worth mentioning that when it started no one had any natural immunity because it was a virus new to humans. That means everyone can catch it, and everyone who has it can pass it on. 

Isolation measures aren't designed to stop you catching it, just to reduce the number of infected people at any one time so, if you're unlucky enough to need it, there may be a bed and ventilator available in the ICU. 

The hope is to slow the rate of spread until a vaccine is available to reduce the host supply for the virus
2020-03-21 3:18 pm
Americans have to go places and buy things, being idle is not an option. Stupid, yes.
2020-03-21 3:36 pm
It's what makes this a crisis. How rapidly it can spread. It is like that stomach flu that gets on cruise ships. Just touching something that another person who is infected has touched will likely cause a transmission. Its on your hands and it lives on whatever you put your hands on for up to 24 hrs. Anyone at the post office could potentially spread to this to thousands.
2020-03-21 4:16 pm
Because they don't isolate themselves, coronavirus is contagious.
2020-03-21 4:00 pm
Because we’re not yet saturated with it, and because our quarantine is incomplete and late.
2020-03-21 5:09 pm
People in contact with other people
2020-03-22 11:01 am
Because nobody is self isolating
2020-03-22 9:16 am
Because you're listening to fake news. There have only been 600 cases confirmed.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:58
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