Why do conservatives believe the recent Coronavirus justifies having border controls?

2020-03-21 9:50 am
Can they prove this virus got into the county by someone crossing a border?

I think not!

回答 (97)

2020-03-21 10:01 am
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Oh then you think it originated in the US? Almost every country in the world is having new border controls.
2020-03-21 5:58 pm
Are you serious?  Do you think it floated here on a cloud?  BTW many other countries are doing the same thing.  Are they all racist?
2020-03-21 10:50 pm
a better question is, 'why are liberals such brain dead morons?'---
2020-03-22 12:32 am
um, it came from china............. across a border............ not all borders are physical
2020-03-21 9:52 am
They don't really need to prove anything here as it has been known for thousands of years that one of the many ways the people of a land are kept safe is border security. It shouldn't take any sort of great intellect to figure out that if you just let foreigners wonder your lands that your people are at an increased risk.  
2020-03-21 11:51 pm
There is a lot of over-reaction, jumping to conclusions & fear going around.. But closing borders is a prudent thing to do.
2020-03-21 2:19 pm
Well, man it's simple to check by just looking at coronavirus spread map
2020-03-23 9:40 pm
Any country with borders needs border controls or it won't be a country for long.  Ok, sparky, you tell us how the virus got here if not with someone crossing our border.  We as a nation have an obligation to protect our nation's borders from invading hordes.  We have LEGAL ways to enter this country.  Those criminal migrants. who bring nothing with them that justifies letting them in, need to follow the proper procedures.
2020-03-22 11:42 am
The coronavirus is a hoax. However, that being said, it proves that we should permanently shut down all immigration.
2020-03-21 4:30 pm
It’s the usurpation of reason by an incapacity for discriminatory thought  on the part of those who are also hoarding food, toilet paper and firearms right now. Part of the MAGA agenda as well. Like Trump’s publicly stated disgruntlement that we can’t get more people from Scandinavian countries coming here as opposed to those from the ‘sh*thole” countries 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:35:42
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