It is time to united, but not able judging who or which parties fault or take the accountability.?

2020-03-21 4:03 am
As Coronavirus became pandemic, it is time to united, but not to divided. 

Do not believe any media’s’ ideologies misleading, it is time to follow guides to fight the virus together.

It is time to united, but not about judging who or which parties fault or who takes the accountability.

回答 (4)

2020-03-21 4:04 am
This reminds me of the immortal words of Socrates, who said "I drank what?".
2020-03-21 5:07 am
Please have someone that speaks English do your translations. Whatever software you used isn't doing a good job.
2020-03-21 6:49 pm
Did you have a question?
2020-03-21 4:39 am
I'll alert the media.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:22:13
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