Ok Democrats, if calling it the Chinese Flu is racist what are you knuckleheads calling Chinese food now?

2020-03-21 12:12 am

COnservative you clearly block just recieved a counter block. Dear Y/A, this should be automatic.

回答 (64)

2020-03-21 4:44 pm
Food is good . Flu is bad. I guess discriminatory thought is not your forte 
2020-03-21 8:59 am
It is not racist as the Chinese are not a race it is xenophobic.  If it had occurred in Italy we would not be calling it that (well maybe Trump might call it something like Spaghetti fever or something along that line), granted Italy of course would not have attempted to keep it hush hush like China.  We stopped that nonsense back during the "Spanish Flu" way back in 20th century.  We now call them by their Scientific names,.Trump believes he is smarter than science.  Like it or not China is the worlds number one supplier of medical equipment and almost everything else we consume here in West. China could be helping us with testing but Trump is an idiot whose only true worry is the election. 
2020-03-21 2:39 am
1. It's being called the Chinese virus, not Chinese flu.
2. It seems that Trump is labeling it as such to create more division  & strike back at the BS coming out of China. He either doesn't care or is unaware of racial backlash.
3.. Other diseases are indeed named after the location where they originated
4. Perhaps Wuhan virus would have been more appropriate, more specific & less controversial.
5..Why does anybody really care what it's called provided it's not something totally misleading?
2020-03-21 1:39 am
the point is. What is the effect from the communication?

referring to Chinese food doesn't hurt anyone and it doesn't spread fear or hate. Chinese food is Chinese food like Italian food is Italian food.

BUT... the Asians in the US are being targeted with violence, hate crimes, harassment and actual racism. People are using Corona Virus as a reason to attack these people. Given the current social climate it's not okay to do anything that can progress this sentiment further. This is a global pandemic so it's not just a Chinese things it's a disease that's impacting all continents. We're dealing with a crisis calling this thing a Chinese flu that leads to xenophobic sentiment just makes the situation worse. This virus has been referred to as Kung-flu.  

There are clear cases of Xenophobia and Racism in this country. People who don't experience racism aren't going to see it or understand it when it happens. But people who don't understand it are generally the ones who do it and don't even realize they are doing it. 

It's great to be curious but focusing on doing 'x' isn't racist just is such a waste of time. People are getting sick dying, businesses are shutting down,  people are losing their livelihood, we're facing another recession. Many people are going to want someone to blame because they're toxic on the inside. That won't help anybody it will only create more problems. We need to focus, we're all in this together and we all need to work together in this crisis to keep the virus from spreading to end this sooner.

Also, keep in mind the last global recession was due to the American recession that came from the American banks where the American government deregulated the banks to ruin the world's economy. No other country tried to target and bully America for that. I don't want our people to be known as these horrible hateful people who always find a race of people to single out. I want to be better than that. People who say that doesn't exist. Well, it must be nice to live in your world but everyone else around you knows what you are even if we aren't being ugly about it.
2020-03-21 12:46 am
We’re still calling it Chinese food, because that’s what it is.
2020-03-21 12:13 am
Stir fried cats and dogs. DUH!
2020-03-21 12:19 am
Democrats won't listen to anyone unless they are a victim of something. Who wants to eat bats anyway? ~ Yuck barf ~

I'm pretty happy to try my best to stay away from anything made in China.
2020-03-21 12:14 am
A better argument is, where did these titles come from? Spanish Flu. Hong Kong Flu. Ebola (The Ebola River). MERSA (Middle East). SARS (South Asia). Avian Flu. Swine Flu.
2020-03-23 1:04 am
Considering the fact that ordinary AMERICANS of Asian descent are being harassed or attacked in the streets, this is hardly a matter of "snowflakes being triggered"--no matter how desperately you try to trivialize it.  So you can GFY.

2020-03-22 12:48 pm

Well, it can infect more than just Chinese people, for starters.

We came up with the most destructive device in the world, but the word "American" is never linked to it... and as well... other nations have 'em.

It's really all about the ear test I guess. 

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