Italy now has more deaths than China. Thoughts?

2020-03-20 2:35 pm

回答 (81)

2020-03-20 9:19 pm
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Italy has more REPORTED deaths than China.
2020-03-20 3:02 pm
Italy is one of the most unhygienic and cluttered countries in the west. It’s not uncommon in countries like Italy, France, and Spain for people to only shower twice per week.

India though would make even the dirtiest parts of Italy look like refurbished decorum. India is just nasty.
2020-03-22 4:48 am
Italians are very close family orientated and are used to crowds.
2020-03-21 12:13 am
1.  Testing in all countries is very incomplete and varies from country to country.   Reported cases therefore under represent actual cases to varying degrees.  Such data needs to be taken with a grain of salt.    

2.   Italy’s healthcare system is dysfunctional at the best of times.  It’s certainly not equipped to handle a pandemic.   It also doesn’t have the most hygienic practices.  People get in each other’s faces, there’s often garbage everywhere, sanitation practices are lacking, etc.   
2020-03-20 4:32 pm
China handled it far better than Italy.
2020-03-20 11:46 pm
1. Italy's socialist policies aren't working. It doesn't make government medical care look good. 
2. Don't believe the Chinese statistics. The government wants the public to believe it leaders take care of everything. The press is under government control and spews out propaganda. 
2020-03-21 12:55 am
And they say that we will have as many deaths here as in Italy because Trump failed to respond to it in the beginning, calling it “fake”
along with his Fox News pals and Limbaugh and refusing to take delivery of the world health organization test kits that were already proven reliable. And by the time his CDC, which he cut funding for,  incompetently messed around trying to develop a reliable test of their own, it was too late to contain it reasonably here.  So yeah, we may end up just as bad as Italy if not worse. Thank you all you all you republican a**holes.  This is your idea of “making America great again”? For what? Your golf game?
2020-03-22 7:24 am
Blame China because that’s where virus comes from.
2020-03-20 11:56 pm
I guess "Going out and hugging a Chinese person," wasn't really the best thing to do. They did nothing. They pretended it wasn't a big deal and thousands paid for the government's liberal, politically correct policies with their lives.
2020-03-22 7:53 am
Italy has a large older population.
2020-03-24 6:39 pm
If POTUS Trump would not have sealed the US Borders America would have 20 times today the causalities that Italy has

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