Whats the point of life?

2020-03-20 1:57 pm
If nothing exists in life and nothing has meaning till you give it meaning life is really ******* depressing. If humans made up words and gave things meaning like the words love, hate, sad, and fear WTF really exists are feeling even real? Do we humans just have to keep making **** up and distracting ourselves just so our minds dont go insane?

回答 (16)

2020-03-20 9:17 pm
The key to a satisfying life is recognition of one’s spiritual need. One greater than Solomon, Jesus Christ, pointed this out in resisting Satan the Devil. He quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures and said: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) When a person has a wholesome regard for the Creator and heeds his commands, he is spared the frustrations that come from making mundane knowledge, position or material possessions the chief goal. Instead of setting his heart on something that is transitory, he is building a relationship with God that can last for all eternity. That relationship is not based on what a person has but on what he really is as a person. As the Bible says: “Man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is.”—1 Sam. 16:7.
參考: jw.org/What Can the Bible Teach Us?
2020-03-20 2:12 pm
I don't know. We are just here.
2020-03-20 2:00 pm
Pick up a Bible and start reading in the New Testament.
2020-03-22 5:49 pm
Buying the ticket to heaven - seek ye first the kingdom of heaven. Nevertheless, heaven and hell have the opposite nature. You should choose one which fit your nature. 
2020-03-22 4:58 pm
to enjoy while it lasts. 
2020-03-21 8:46 am
Your philosophy is called absurdism. Your view of life is stupid, but you’re looking at the wrong objects in your consciousness. Look up absurdism.
2020-03-20 10:34 pm
If nothing of pointful meaning exists in life, then one rejoices that one's atoms and molecules have won the lucky atom contest, and are sitting atop the heap of materiality.  One does the Sartre, assessing, choosing, and maximizing the relative good.  This is better done by Maslow:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs

Kindly note that most philosophy is done of the individual, by the individual, for the individual, reflecting what is within.  In your question, would note that "making stuff up" is what humans do qua homeostasis or internal/inner/interior monologue; consciously, this is termed "philosophy and hypothesizing," subconsciously, this is termed fantasy, dreaming, and imagination.

To the degree that one's psyche-dynamics are in some aspect(s) conflicted, the inner self tends to experience fear, doubt, human questioning, deathness (Freud's thanatos shtick.)  Properly applied/achieved, Maslow's being-cognition transcends/heals such splittism.

Beyond the human, there is abundant evidence for God, including miracles, the moral wonder within, the starry heavens, etc.

Suggest you would benefit by reading:
Man's Search for Meaning;
For Couples Only;
The Path of the Higher Self;
Beams from Meher Baba;
The Great Divorce, and possibly
Mere Christianity, and Autobiography of a Yogi.
2020-03-20 10:12 pm
What do you mean, "if nothing exists in life"?

Life is the source of all meaning. Determining the meaning of everything that we sense is one of the primary functions of the brain. What's depressing about that? Do you think that it would be better if we were told what to think and what to do? That, I think, would be far more depressing. 

I assume that you have experienced all the feelings that you list, so how can you question their reality?

The point of life is that as a living being you have the ability to think and feel and act. Things that aren't living don't have those abilities nor do they need those abilities. Life has given you a mind and a body with which to experience the world and indeed the universe. I really don't get what you're complaining about. What would satisfy you? 
2020-03-20 9:32 pm
It's a misnomer that we have to "give" something meaning. We can't do that or else we could all give a broomstick meaning and find happiness sleeping with one. What it should say is that some things move us. THEY give US meaning. Also, the Nietzsche (fkng guy, have to look up how to spell his name any time I write it) -ish idea completely ignores the powerful spectrum of human interaction, which is likely the source of all meaning that we feel.
2020-03-20 2:00 pm
Yeah most things are made up. But the feelings we experience are real, you’d still feel them if you weren’t told about it but you just wouldn’t know how to describe it. Anyway I recommend playing made up games like dungeons and dragons they’re fun. 

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