Different way to use meatballs?

2020-03-20 12:26 am
Have a pack of ready made beef meatballs. I am low on tinned tomatoes so looking for another way to use them instead of the usual tomato sauce. Any ideas?

回答 (15)

2020-03-20 12:27 am
Make Swedish meat balls.
2020-03-20 5:57 am
sweet and sour meatballs
2020-03-20 12:31 am
Italian wedding soup.
Meatball sub.On Pizza (white pizza if necessary).Make an alfredo sauce and serve with meatballs, sauteed onions and bell peppers over pasta.Roll your own fresh pasta and make break up the meatballs and mix with some cheese to stuff ravioli. 
2020-03-22 10:09 pm
Cut each meatball in half and wrap each half in a piece of canned biscuit dough, sprinkle with cheese of any kind--parmesan or cheddar is good--and bake them in the oven until the biscuits are golden brown. Serve them with some green veggie. 
2020-03-21 9:50 am
A mushroom & mustard sauce is good with them & rice / mash / pasta / noodles.
Sub rolls with 'fresh' tomatoes / salad.
Cook, smoosh down and serve on small rolls with an onion ring, ketchup like sliders.
Halve them, roll into smaller 'balls', cook and add to soup, or put into a baked pasta casserole, These smaller meatballs could be put onto kebabs with pepper, mushroom, onion e.t.c, griddled and serve with a BBQ sauce.
Smoosh 2 together and make burger size patties [adding grated cheese or fine diced onion] if you fancy, even served with grits & thick onion gravy!
Almost anything is possible.
2020-03-20 10:21 pm
Don't laugh at this, because it REALLY works. Get a bottle of welches grape jelly, the regular size, and a bottle of Heinz chilli sauce, again, the regular size, and mix the two of them in a saucepan until the jelly is fully dissolved and the sauce is hot. Add the meatballs and simmer until they are hot. I serve it with white rice. I cannot even begin to tell you how good this is!! It isn't spicy at all, does not taste like grapes, it is just damn good. I had it at a potluck at work, and asked the person who made it and this is the honest recipe she gave me. I have made it many times since, and the only thing I do differently from what she told me was to add a bit of minced onion.
2020-03-20 12:59 pm
Turn them into sweet and sour meatballs, stir fry some veggies and serve both of these over rice.
2020-03-20 7:54 am
Brown gravy or cream of mushroom soup and egg noodles
2020-03-20 12:37 am
Barbecue sauce is a good option, or you could partially thaw them, then cover them in flour. Put them in a hot oiled skillet and brown them good, then gradually stir in water until a gravy forms. Serve with noodles or mashed potatoes.
2020-03-22 1:47 pm
Heat them, slice in half, and make a sandwich with chopped onion, ketchup, and parmesan, Toast the bread if you want to.
2020-03-22 11:17 am
Flatten them and make hamburger patties.
2020-03-21 7:50 am
Swedish style with gravy and potatoes either steamed or mashed.  Add another vegetable as a side if you have any.  If you have some cranberry sauce or red currant jelly left over from Christmas put that on the table too.
2020-03-20 1:05 pm
Kebob them with onion, pepper and maybe tomato.
2020-03-20 12:57 pm
All I see are good answers. I can't think of anything different but a sub sandwich.
2020-03-20 1:08 am
A little bit of milk (cream is better), butter, flour to thicken, thyme, black pepper, and perhaps a little beef stock (bouillon cube). Even saute some onion in the pan first. Voila, Swedish meatballs. Serve over egg noodles if you have any.

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