is all this social distancing stressing you out?

2020-03-19 8:01 am

回答 (13)

2020-03-19 8:04 am
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To be honest my social life hasn't changed a bit.  Turns out I've been social distancing for years now.
2020-03-19 8:36 am
No. I'm not very social to start with
2020-03-19 8:30 am
It's a relief to me.
2020-03-19 8:21 am
Not at all. I practice social distancing in the norm. It's how I get my peace back.
2020-03-19 8:17 am
Since I still see family and friends I'm fine socially. I also am good when it's just myself and my husband and I do fine alone.

I am self employed and almost all my work has vanished.  I have a large emergency fund, no debt, a paid off house, and low bills, so I am not stressed.  But I sure am hoping this does not go on for very long.
2020-03-19 8:04 am
Not yet.................
2020-03-19 9:13 am
Yea it's stressful people acting like they know what it's like having actual social anxiety and I'm trying to concur it.
2020-03-19 8:06 am
well, as a homeless person (yes, homeless people have access to the internet, I'm burning 3 nights of my last paycheck at a motel), this is going to get bad really fast.  heard they shut the shelter I usually stay at.  not sure about the other two.  i'll find out tomorrow.  but the worst part about things is the libraries, starbucks, malls, pretty much the bread and butter hangouts for homeless are all closed now.  save for the parks which don't offer much use as you can't sleep there, there's nowhere for the homeless to go.  just my thoughts. 
2020-03-20 9:37 pm
Not at all~~~~~~~~
2020-03-20 8:06 am
No, there are ways to stay in touch with family and friends.
2020-03-19 8:56 am
I've went to the grocery store twice this week (forgot lottery tickets first time) instead of the usual once & actually spoke to a neighbor today so I feel like a veritable social butterfly this week.
BTW What is this "social distancing" whereof you speak?
2020-03-19 8:10 am
Not really, because I haven't really left my house since I went on Spring Break this week.
參考: Even so, I don't really get too close to people in public when I don't have too… Which many public situations cause me to stand close to people more often than not.
2020-03-19 8:08 am

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