Is it normal to burp after everything you eat?

2020-03-19 3:35 am
No matter what I eat or drink I burp, I burp over 50 times a day and my family has has enough.. i do fart here and there but not as much as I burp, Im a 24 yr old girl weighing 60kg and 165cm tall.. whats wrong with me?

回答 (4)

2020-03-19 4:23 am
Some people take in too much air when they eat/drink and so belch a lot. Sometimes, the foods people eat make them gassy. Slow down your eating (don't scarf down your food) and don't drink through a straw (that can also cause you to consume excess air).
2020-03-19 5:07 am
No It's not normal and you must be very unpleasant to live with. As soon as this virus mess clears up, see your doctor. There's meds for that.
2020-03-19 3:56 am
Burping is the expelling of excess AIR that you swallow (suck in) while eating. Apparently, you scarf and not chew your food or you drink too many carbonated drinks (soda). That would be one reason why you weigh 150 lbs. Too much sugar in your diet. Sugar turns into fat. Cut out all the soda and your weight should drop.
2020-03-19 3:48 am
No, not normal. maybe eating too fast?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:49:18
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