I don't believe we will make it off this planet because we are too involved in killing ourselves off with these Population Control Wars.?

2020-03-18 1:14 am

回答 (1)

2020-03-18 7:10 pm
so your conclusion is WAR    was designed  with the specific  INTENT  of the GROUPS  engaging in    War for POPULATION CONTROL if a person or nations  the GOAL was POPULATION CONTROL they could issue a POLICY of  Contraception and a 1 Child policy like China "HAD " for 35 years   it was so successful  ( resulting in a  a greater AGING  population and fewer  young ) they had to resend it in 2015 and allow for 2 Children

WAR  is a means    to CONTROL the behaviors  of groups  of   Human population   and to gain LAND AREA     actually  WAR is about POWER and CONTROL over groups of people and land area  its based on   AUTHORITARIANISM    an example of this  is  also noted in the BIBLE and is the foundation of MONARCHY  KINGS  a person is   in charge not based on ABILITIES Knowledge skills but WHO they were BORN to ( line of birth is valued in judaism their supposed justification for  KINGSHIP   and other cultures )  WARS were about establishing various  "EMPIRES "  example INVESTIGATE  how many counties or land areas did the BRITISH   INVADE  to become an EMPIRE  (answer  of 200 countries  they invaded  178  nations  so all but 22  of the existing nations of the times  )  they killed a percent of people with the invasion but exerted RULE over the land area  and the PEOPLE as did the Roman empire

  CONCEPTION CONTROL  has been available and INVENTED  by people  for centuries  presenting    various  methods     PENIS WITHDRAW is prohibited by certain religions  ( Judaeo - christian  Bible thy shall not case thy (sperm ) SEED upon the ground)

inventions or  solution to unwanted contraception  was  even carried out in  times of ANCIENT EGYPT  they  describe in their medical papyrus  the use of the mixture of ACACIA leaves Honey and Lint to BLOCK unwanted SPERM in the vagina  The Ancient Greeks used the plant "SILPHIUM" aka Laserwort as a contraceptive  From  200 -BCE  400 CE  we have BRONZE  Pessary  devices  from archeology  that the Romans used  the Italian Casanova  of the 1700 writes of a LAMBSKIN  CONDOM ....

.. interestingly  its RELIGIONS that  have  presented the MOST  OBJECTION  to    methods  of CONTRACEPTION  CONTROL    and family PLANNING  and RELIGIOUS " beliefs " have been the CATALYST  for many WARS    since CONTRACEPTION control is available  and  human sought  control in their personal relationships  .. REALITY tells me  STARVATION and DISEASE  has and will continue   to  deplete  human  populations  and the more pressing issue is the ENVIRONMENT  which influences the ability  of People to grow food  and STOP polluting the  waters ( fish )  and the soil and the air   MANY  HUMANS  need to change their THINKING  they fail to LEARN and will only  take their POLLUTING habits and GREED to another planet and REPEAT the same devastation

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:48:08
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