Why do I feel empty inside?

2020-03-16 11:32 pm
For a long time now (over 2 years) I have felt like nothing matters at all. I don’t care what happens in my life most of the time but I know I should. It’s like there’s a little bit of my brain that wants to act like a normal person but the rest of my brain holds me back and just doesn’t care. The only things that will get me to feel any emotion is if something really bad happens to someone close to me. Other than that I feel almost dangerous because I don’t feel empathy toward people I’m not close to. I could honestly kill someone and look them in the eyes with a straight face while I do it and it would be like nothing. I can’t really feel positive emotions either. I have a decent social life and see many of my closest friends everyday but I don’t get how they like me. All I do is sit there quietly with a blank stare the whole time. If we’re in the car I look out the window and just think in my head. If we’re anywhere at all really that’s all I can do. I want to do and say so much but I can’t because I’m very socially awkward on top of feeling empty. I just want help so I don’t have to live like this anymore it’s driving me absolutely crazy. I’m a young adult male if that is of any importance. 

回答 (4)

2020-03-17 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
People will often say, "I don't feel sad, so I'm not depressed," but very often people will say they don't feel anything when they're depressed, and that this bothers them a lot.

Treating depression with nothing but self-help is experiential, and with severe cases, which I suspect you have, very dangerous. 

Only a doctor can diagnose a case but a depression screening test you take online, such as CESD R, can shed some light on your situation.

Treatment usually begins by seeing the GP, who can give you a physical and a referral. I mention referral because just a bottle of pills is not a very good approach.

The things you'd want to tell the doctor are how you feel at different times of day, any symptoms you might have such as change in appetite or sleep, and things in your life affecting how you feel.

If you're depressed, I can't tell you exactly what you need. There's no one size fits all solution. I can tell you though that there are healthy lifestyle choices that can enhance the effects of the standard treatments with office visits. This answer has details, under DEPRESSION TREATMENTS.

2020-03-16 11:48 pm
This video might explain why. The soul can starve and run out of energy, just like the body can starve and run out of energy. https://youtu.be/dLTEDiAwWm8 
2020-03-16 11:39 pm
Real Love only comes from and with God! Since Atheists do not believe in God, they canNot feel any Love also!  By their own decisions. 
Pray to God and bring God, Love, and lots more meanings, into your life! 
2020-03-16 11:36 pm
Sounds like you’re suffering from depression. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with a psychiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Depression is very common and there are very effective treatments available. You don’t have to live like that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:54:17
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