Why did my tempurature go from 99 to 98 in a matter of minutes?

2020-03-14 1:43 pm
My job is checking our tempuratures at the door due to coronavuris and they said mine was high then they said it was normal. What happened?

回答 (4)

2020-03-15 8:41 am
99 is a normal body temperature for some people. We aren't all clones of each other
2020-03-15 1:07 am
99 is not high. 99 is in the normal range. My oral thermometer shows in green or red. Red isn't reached until 99.5.
2020-03-14 4:08 pm
It is within normal fluctuation.
Also, unless an expensive model there is likely to be a fluctuation in the thermometer.
2020-03-14 2:52 pm
This is nothing unusual,  so relax. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:06:28
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