A Christmas Carol文法題?

2020-03-13 7:18 pm
The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole, and was so dense without, that although the court was of the narrowest, the houses opposite were mere phantoms.
霧從每一道隙縫和每一個鑰匙孔裏湧進來;在戶外,霧濃得連對面的屋子(雖然隻隔著一個極其狹小的院子)看上去也好像幻影一樣了。請問:... and was so dense without, ...中的without是 without what?
我的理解:The fog was so dense that the houses opposite were mere phantoms although the court was of the narrowest.

回答 (4)

2020-03-13 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
was so dense without
=old use for "outside"
=adverb in literature is "outside"
=to the verb "was"
=dense without
=be too obvious, too well known, dense "outside"
Hence; you don't know the meaning of it:-
(1)The fog was so dense (outside)
(2)though the court was narrowest in "between"
(3)that the houses opposite were phantoms(=vision).
2020-03-14 8:26 am
1,The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole, and was so dense without,( that although the court was of the narrowest, the houses opposite were mere phantoms.整個以that所引導子句當介詞without受詞,另although the court was of the narrowest(是附屬子句修飾其後主要子句the houses opposite were mere phantoms. 。本句因為although其後是複雜句,需以逗號作區別,不得已在without 之後加逗號來區隔,若用上"    "較不易混淆
2020-03-14 7:18 am
without what? 你以為"without"只能當作<介係詞>來用嗎?

1. "without"也可以被當作<副詞>來用的.是有"外在"的意思.
例: Determination within, actions without. = 內在的決心就要外在的行動.

2. "without"與"within"要一起學.

3. 回到原題: "...was so dense without..."的意思是 "...在外面是無比的濃厚..."
2020-03-14 2:11 pm
學中文吧!!! 英文沒人在學了....

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