How do you feel about putting Raspberries on pizza?

2020-03-13 8:09 am

回答 (12)

2020-03-13 8:09 am
I don't think it would have a good flavor.
2020-03-13 10:38 am
That sounds gross hun, unless it was on a dessert pizza.
2020-03-13 8:13 am
I wouldn't put it on pizza. I don't like to put fruits on meat and cheese. 
2020-03-13 8:11 am
As a dessert pizza with almonds, white chocolate & brie cheese, it's delicious
2020-03-14 6:45 pm
I'm fine

but I won't be eating it
2020-03-13 10:44 am
Anyone who puts raspberries on pizza should never talk to me again
2020-03-13 8:51 am
Only on a dessert pizza. 
2020-03-13 8:39 am
On a dessert pizza they're okay. Generally, no though.
2020-03-13 8:17 am
You mean......... a fruit tart.
2020-03-13 8:11 am
That should be a criminal offence 

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