有一個是我買的 求翻譯英文?

2020-03-13 1:06 am
桌上有五個箱子,”其中有一個是我買的”。”其中有一個是我買的” 請問這句怎麼翻??我試著翻 There is one of them that I bought. (這句不知道對不對)One of them is that I bought.(這句又少了受詞,可是不知道能接什麼)順便問一個問題There is/are + N that + 子句有這種句型嗎??因為我看到一個句子there are only two times that i want to be with you.它是用關代嗎? 

回答 (3)

2020-03-13 12:11 pm
An infinitive phrase may follow the noun:-
eg:-There are "for" only two times----that I want to be with you.----there are +an infinitive phrase with the for + N +that
eg:-There were five boxes on the table, and one of "which" was bought by me-----passive voice;--- which is rel pron of things only, not of persons, used with no selective meaning, no pause before the clause and not set off by commas.
eg:-(With the relative pronoun as the subject of the verb in the clause):-
Buy one of the five books which is on the table.
eg:-One of the five boxes on the table was bought by me-------passive
eg:-I bought one of the five boxes.---in defining or restrictive clause.
2020-03-14 1:54 am
"I bought one of them."
2020-03-13 9:00 am
One of the five boxes on the table was bought by me.
I bought one of the five boxes on the table.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 00:35:43
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