What are the legal consequences of my action?

2020-03-11 10:19 am
On the way to kickboxing class, there was a pedestrian on a residential road. He wouldn’t get out of my way so I had to go around him. He started following my vehicle and caught up with me once I was in the parking lot. He thought I’d gotten too close to him while moving around him, and said that I’d almost run him over and he had my license plate number and was calling the cops. He said “have fun getting pulled over.”

I headed home immediately because he was aggravated and I didn’t feel like my car would be safe if I left it alone while I was in kickboxing. I was expecting to be pulled over, but wasn’t.

I’m a little nervous now because I don’t know the legal consequences of my action. I thought I’d given him enough room, but his perspective is as valid as mine and he wouldn’t have gotten angry if it weren’t a big deal. And there’s no saying who’s word the police will believe. Should I just agree with the pedestrian so he doesn’t get even angrier at me?

He seemed like a teenager, and it’s been 40 minutes and nothing’s happened. Is it possible that there are no consequences and he just didn’t know that? How soon should I expect a talk with the police?

回答 (4)

2020-03-11 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It all depends on how convincing he is, but I doubt the Police care.  I DO think removing your car was a good idea.
2020-03-12 8:19 am
The 72 hour psych exam is still in your future. Your FANTASIES are not getting any more plausible.
2020-03-11 11:07 am
How soon should you expect a talk with police? Never. Even if he called, which I doubt, they wouldn't bother because there is no evidence to prove or disprove either side of the story. 
2020-03-11 10:35 am
legally you did nothing wrong... if the pedestrian was in the road he was jaywalking and that is generally illegal (in most states)

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