Are you happy with what you have? ?

2020-03-11 5:51 am
Like, your financial situation, yourself, your family, life in general?

回答 (12)

2020-03-11 6:20 am
Not with my financial situation.
2020-03-11 5:55 am

I'd like means to travel more, but that is it. 
2020-03-11 7:03 am
I am. I'm in a stable financial place, a loving relationship, reasonably healthy, in frequent and cordial contact with family.

I acknowledge that while it took work to be at this place at this time of my life, luck was also a major factor.
2020-03-11 6:36 am
In general Yes I am.
And its a good thing because i recently discovered I never developed any internal  method of coping with wanting something I cant have.
參考: If I had known I was going to live this long I would have worked another 5 years before retiring.
2020-03-11 6:04 am
Well like anyone I could do with more money to be able to do anything I wanted but generally I am happy. I am married to someone I thought was way out of my league we own our home both have good well paid jobs and get two holidays abroad a year.

So life is pretty sweet.
2020-03-11 6:00 am
I'm satisfied with what I have.
2020-03-11 5:57 am
None! Of the above!!! My life stinks to $hit right now. I have no money and I live with a dope head N'igga named Donny.
2020-03-11 5:53 am
No I'm not.
2020-03-12 8:04 am
Yes, we're fine with what we have.
2020-03-12 2:08 am
2020-03-11 8:14 am
Very happy. I practice the discipline of gratitude and, even when things seem their worst, I never lack for reasons to be grateful (thankful).
2020-03-11 6:36 am

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