Will 2020 better or worse than 2019?

2020-03-10 9:18 am

I think this year will be much worse because coronavirus global overbreak, maybe will be cause the severe global economic recession, and ever much worse than 2008 global economic recession. 


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回答 (81)

2020-03-11 2:31 am
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I think unfortunatly it will be worse because of Coronavirus
2020-03-10 8:31 pm
The economy has been slowing and is projected to reach the same level (2020) as the 2008 crash. Hopefully, the US votes trump out before we get crunched like the gwb mess.
2020-03-11 6:38 pm
I think coronavirus will be theme of the year .
2020-03-10 9:29 am
It will be worse... but it will have a good ending if trump loses the election.
2020-03-10 9:02 pm
Because of the coronavirus this year will get worse
2020-03-10 9:20 am
It's certainly not starting out better.
2020-03-11 9:46 am
It this would  be mid December I would say 2020 sucked. But it is only March, we have 3/4 of the year t go.  Let's wait & see what happens
2020-03-11 4:45 am
I need glasses. I’m old.
2020-03-11 5:14 am
So far it's been even worse. 
In addition to what you said, trump's ignorance and selected focuses magnify problems, 
plus he's getting desperate. Won't be shocked if something really bad happens between 
now and elections in November .. exactly what is difficult to predict but don't be surprised.
2020-03-10 8:44 pm
It will be worse.    I expect the purchasing power  of the United States dollar to be zero after Trump is re-elected 
參考: www.Mises.org
2020-03-12 11:28 am
To me, personally, 2020 will be a good year as I complete my studies in journalism and I'm considering a move to the Gold Coast in Australia early next year.

However, as far as world events go... 2020 will be worse than 2019. The coronavirus that emerged early this year has no cure or treatment and is spreading rapidly; now Trump has banned travel from Europe to USA; there is economic pressure globally as flights have been cancelled. Travel and health prospects aren't looking good this year.
2020-03-12 8:00 am
It really depends on what your focus is on.  If you're looking at Earth's problems like the diseases going around, the coronavirus, and the global warming problems, it's not doing so good.  Carbon dioxide isn't working out so well, either.  If you are looking at the side where human minds are advancing, and how technology is working out then I'd say there is an improvement. 
2020-03-11 1:24 pm
Not looking that way so far. The again we can all focus on the ngatives but I find I try to look at the good things that have happened. There is so much scaremongering going on it is too easy to get caught up in the hype.
2020-03-11 3:38 am
It only ever gets worse 
2020-03-10 10:10 pm
Hasn't started out well.
2020-03-10 9:25 am
hopefully better
2020-03-11 1:07 am
I think worse, but hope better.
2020-03-11 12:12 am
better because dump will lose
2020-03-11 12:15 pm
Worse, because it won't rain as much.
2020-03-13 12:38 pm
2019 was a worst year especially in personal problems I was going through. In general 2019 where crazies came out in force 
2020-03-12 10:23 pm
I think that 2020 will make students happier but also make them addicted to gadjets because of the class suspension caused by COVID-19. In other cases 2020 might be much worse for everybody,reminder
 to children if you have the class suspension is not an early break and or vacation. COVID-19 is a very serious case that is spreding more rapidly among people. Please take care of your self properly.
2020-03-12 2:57 pm
For me 2020 has actually been better but..... it is only March. Knock on wood...
2020-03-12 2:42 pm
It end times, repent and follow Jesus.
2020-03-12 12:09 pm
The answer is probably yes because of the coronavirus and the economy.  Also, the election this November will be very nasty.  
2020-03-12 11:09 am
2020 hasn't had a good start for the reasons you stated. Not looking good for the future either. Corona virus will probably infect millions of Americans, many who will die. II's become pretty scary where I live.. 
2020-03-12 2:39 am
Q1 is a wipe and and Q2 looking dodgy already. Either everyone works through the summer or the end of the year will be a total nightmare to justify holding onto our jobs.
2020-03-11 8:23 pm
I don’t know but I lost so much money already.   And I can’t even pull it out now because that would be foolish.  

In a lighter note.   I paid only $1.97/gallon gas. 
2020-03-11 2:49 pm
Yes, it will be worse.  Doubly worse, since the Democrat let Congress would rather use the virus as a political weapon against our president than actually put policies in place to help fight it.  SHAME ON THEM.
2020-03-11 9:22 am
Both awful........
2020-03-11 5:26 am
Do I look like God? Idfk hopefully better than the last 20 years
2020-03-10 11:34 pm
So far in my personal life, its worse.
2020-03-10 11:06 am
Well we just started it off with a plague. That’s not a good sign.
2020-03-10 9:54 am
I guess has a lot to do with catching a virus, or not.
2020-03-13 4:31 am
Well this year the state of Vermont will try 18 year old children as the children they are in juvenile court, which is the only proper place for a child to be tried. So that's a huge positive thing, and they are only going to raise the age some more in 2022.
I only wish I was a bit younger so I'd drive there and turn into hamburger meat the first homo or kike that I came across.
2020-03-11 12:00 pm
Worse, because it won't rain as much.
2020-03-11 8:11 am
Life is what we make it day by day who's to say what day is going to be better than the next it is what we make it live life to the fullest live everyday like it's the last do you know for sure every day will be a good day this year's going to be better than that one is going to be the same life is trying it has its ups and downs some days we can't control but those few days those few months those are all trials to remember without these days how we know it was good life's a mystery live it love your family your friends dance laugh one act of random kindness can change a life the world so somebody some kindness May 3rd a three year which in turn mixtures even brighter . We're all beautiful and we're all loved have fun
2020-03-10 11:58 pm
When the democrats lose the House and all their tricks and negativity go with them , it will be a great sign for things to come for everyone   
2020-03-11 4:56 pm
I think half of people in this Earth will die this year
2020-03-15 11:50 pm
Of course 2020 is worse than 2019 because of Corona Virus. 
2020-03-15 6:33 am
Are you serious? It's ALREADY much worse than 2019.
2020-03-14 8:18 pm
It would be about the same just another boring day another manic Monday wo w wow
2020-03-14 3:43 pm
yea only because the virus would the main part of the year
2020-03-14 6:18 am

It started with the death of Kobe Bryant
My cat died
Pop smoke died
huge virus outbreak
Australia fires
i lost my job 

2020 sucks way worse than 2019 and we're less than a third way through it
2020-03-13 11:45 pm
In 2019, I underwent a number of invasive medical procedures, one of my roommates was out of work for a few months and a couple of elderly relatives died. It would be hard for 2020 to be any worse than 2019 for me.
2020-03-13 9:01 pm
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2020-03-13 7:48 pm
the economy will be much worse, but after November 2020, everything will be so much better when DOOB-IN-CHIEF is history and he better lawyer up because he will soon be going to jail.
2020-03-13 12:51 pm
People keep saying the coronavirus will make it worse but that’s bs because what about after the Coronavirus? There might be some nifty time left to have fun!
2020-03-13 11:58 am
Any year is better than 2019.
2020-03-13 6:43 am
World is not as safe as it was in 2019. 2020 started with a huge fire in Australia, then Coronavirus took over. Let's hope for the best as far as upcoming months are concerned. Let's pray our world becomes a peaceful place to live for all humanity. 
2020-03-13 2:08 am
hey it will get better
2020-03-13 12:05 am
i would say better
2020-03-12 4:33 pm
2020-03-12 3:57 pm
It will be better, as long as the Democrats lose.
2020-03-12 1:04 pm
Personally, this year is going better than in 2019 as I have achieved many goals and looking forward to complete the rest goals.
2020-03-12 12:01 pm
probably worse due to all the famous people dying 
Plus Covid19 (Corona virus)
2020-03-12 11:37 am
I think not
it not good
參考: I think not
2020-03-12 11:06 am
It’s way better for me personally. For the whole world, not so much.  
2020-03-12 11:01 am
Maybe a little because it's a brand new start.
2020-03-12 8:55 am
You can’t really tell , but corona virus will hurt the economy. My old college , Cmsv is closed. More and more schools and buildings will close and revenue will be lost. So there is no why 2020 will be an economic joyride.
2020-03-12 7:57 am
I think now it’s worse but it’s all going to blow over and things will be positive 
2020-03-12 6:18 am
2020 has been the worst year of my life. Its march.
2020-03-12 5:16 am
2019 will always be worse than 2020, because society had a problem with hypersensitive crybullies determined to make life miserable for everyone, despite

 the developed world enjoying peak prosperity and stability
. Don't take good times for granted, because there's no telling what the future holds
2020-03-12 3:49 am
As long as The Donald is re-elected President, then all is good in the world. #MAGA #KAG
2020-03-12 3:31 am
Everything will depend on your planning.
2020-03-11 11:48 pm
I don’t know I can’t predict what’s going happen in 2020
2020-03-11 11:33 pm
Obviously yes. Because it will see the sweeping defeat of Donald Trump in the U.S. Presidential Election.
2020-03-11 11:32 pm
 this is probably just the output from Google forms but different color choices could make this more easily readable.

"Worse" answers could be some gradient of red colors and "better" answers could be shades of green or blue. I'd do this myself if I wasn't on mobile rn.

Edit: Ok I used Google sheets on mobile and took a screenshot:


Needs more jpeg and I forgot to fit the title in it but it's okay. Someone make a 4k version next pls
2020-03-11 11:04 pm
2020-03-11 10:38 pm
Far worse. Ive been very sick and depressed this year. I can't catch a break. I can't travel anymore because of my health. Thank God work has been good though.
2020-03-11 8:45 pm
Only 2-plus months into it, and 2020 is already worse than 2019. Buckle up, kids, gonna be a wild, scary ride.
2020-03-11 7:11 pm
That depends entirely on how you see things. For me, personally, this year hasn't been too bad. I don't listen to the idiot news. I continue to see the beauty of the world. It's all a matter of perspective and, indeed, fear.
2020-03-11 6:52 pm
see the best in each time.2020 is the best.
2020-03-11 6:09 pm
This personally has not been my year.. 
My mom passed away from cancer at the beginning of February. 
Now, the coronavirus is killing people. I am hesitant to go to work because I don’t get paid leave or anything.
I’ve been sick with the flu for the past week. 
I’ve had bronchitis at the end of January. 
My dad has COPD (he also works at a hospital) so this coronavirus is making me worry about losing him to death. 
2020-03-11 5:52 pm
progress is progress.
oh yes 
2020-03-11 5:42 pm
it goes worst now
2020-03-11 4:18 pm
In 2020 the vikings will be back
2020-03-11 11:16 am
Right now it’s trending worse, unless Bernie gets elected President 
2020-03-11 8:11 am
I think that 2020 will be better than 2019 because I would have more Hard Rock and Metal bands to add to my playlist
2020-03-10 11:39 pm
i ******* hope not
2020-03-10 10:52 am
If you imagine the production from Nadja Pagana Kreativ System Follow The Dollar there are many acions like Aushwitz and also Psycho from Alfred Hitchcock Vivian Leigh the famous scene from the dushe with Norman Bates I decided Follow The Dolkar for Iggy Pop convenience than The Drowning from The Too fat. Body thinking was Aramburu cause the story is different what happened in Pisadas and Libertad was the bomb from Juan Domingo Peron suddenly started the Triple A terror happened once because of a barquillo in Bristol there was an massive execution of the mass with lacrimosa gas in the 70's
2020-03-12 3:23 am
Better because President Trump will win again!
2020-03-11 10:12 am
Worse, because it won't rain as much.

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