Why Pluto has been declared planet again?

2020-03-10 5:06 am

回答 (12)

2020-03-10 9:04 am
The International Astronomical Union calls the shots. They are the group that get to officially name all newly discovered bodies. This what science does, self correcting when new evidence comes forward. Many other trans-Neptunian objects have turned up and more will be found. Pluto so happened to be the first and the closest. 

Astrology has no say. They are out to swindle their followers with magical thinking. It’s people don’t observe and have not for centuries. Nor do they pay attention to what astronomers say. Unless it’s useful.

Pluto and it’s accompanying satellites have an highly elliptical orbit compared to the planets. The fly by probe has shown a remarkable system.
2020-03-15 10:23 am
It doesn't matter.  if it looks like a planet, then it is a planet.
2020-03-11 4:44 am
Words don't matter. Pluto has always been Pluto regardless of what word they apply to it.
2020-03-10 8:02 am
Pluto was demoted from planetary status a couple of years before it entered the sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the sign Pluto was in at the time of the American Revolution, in opposition to our natal Sun in Cancer.  I do believe our oligarchs were/are in fear of a 2nd American revolution brought about by Plutonian conditions.  It is not an accident that another word for oligarch is plutocrat.  Pluto is the revealer of secrets, it is the earthquake that uproots and creates sudden change and that which has been hidden sees the light of day.  It will be exact in two years.  I think our plutocrats feared the effect of Pluto on the U.S. and thought by demoting it that would somehow erase its effect.  It doesn't work that way.  Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn at the end of 2008, the year of the banking debacle and the beginning of economic downturn for the U.S. from which we still suffer.   We have had a very stressful time in this country and the exposure of much corruption.  It is bound to get worse in order for it to get better.  We will emerge from this period, hopefully, with an economy that is fairer for more people as Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024.  
2020-03-27 5:28 am
I wasn't swayed. It was always a planet to me.
2020-03-15 12:18 pm
Because they are pieces of confused shits that exclude the smallest but for love include it again
2020-03-10 5:39 am
It orbits the center of the solar system, and it maybe small, but it holds many of the characteristics of a planet. I believe the reasoning behind not calling it a planet was because of its size, but deciding solely based on its size not to call it a planet was a bit ignorant. It was demoted because it was compared to things like other dwarf planets, but what else would it be? A dwarf planet is still a planet, even if its smaller than many moons in the solar system. 
2020-03-10 5:22 am
It is considered to be a Dwarf Planet.
2020-03-10 5:12 am
2020-03-11 4:48 pm
Not sure. It is a planet. 
2020-03-10 6:28 am
Because it IS a planet!!
2020-03-10 5:24 am
Because enough people got together and said that they wanted Pluto to be a planet

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