Why is there alot of movies about world war 2?

2020-03-07 3:16 pm

回答 (7)

2020-03-07 3:23 pm
It was a really big war.  It's before the great majority of us can remember.  A lot of good stories came out of it.  War movies made in the years following the war were all rah-rah, celebrating our great victory.  But war movies today realize how futile and senseless war is, which just make them more dramatic. 
2020-03-07 3:18 pm
Because that's the last war our country was in that didn't start because of a lie.
2020-03-08 3:58 am
Because a  lot of stuff happened........all over the world. .....so there was more than a few stories to tell. 
2020-03-07 3:31 pm
It was a pivotal moment in the C20.  A good v evil type deal.  Lots of stories, lots of change happened in a relatively short period of time.  History was made.  Hence lots of material both fiction and non fiction for writers and film makers.
2020-03-08 9:10 am
Because it's a war that will forever have an impact on civilization.
2020-03-08 8:15 am
Because the war dominated people's lives at the time.
2020-03-07 3:44 pm
It was to make Hollywood actors more money
As people wanted to see that stuff back then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:09
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