How do you feel that a George W. Bush-appointed judge is calling Bill Barr a liar, and is gonna force him to release the full Mueller Report?

2020-03-07 1:24 am
Firstly, I source Fox News specifically so you can't call it fake news:

Seems like some conservatives have come to their senses and are finally admitting that the Mueller Report that supposedly acquits Trump but at the same is a hoax's results have been mislead by Bill Barr.

What a surprise that not only does there seem to be unnecessary redactions, but Bill Barr intentionally spun it in a way unreasonably favorable to Trump. Of course, anyone with half-a-brain and a shred-of-honesty would have figured that out from the very beginning, LOL.

Looks like the day of reckoning for the Trump Administration is coming earlier than expected this year, LOL.

Oh, and by the way; here's the link to the Mueller Report again, for your reference, LOL:

回答 (12)

2020-03-07 1:39 am
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We've known for a long time that Barr is a liar and a fraud.  He lied to protect Trump and continues to act as Trump's personal attorney instead of representing the interests of the American people.

The difference between Barr's representation of what was in the Mueller Report and what was actually in the Mueller Report was astonishing.  Barr accomplished his purpose, however, of convincing the general public that Trump had done nothing wrong.  Most people didn't bother to actually read the Mueller Report.

The judge described Barr's account of the Mueller Report as "distorted" and "misleading."  That is putting it mildly.  The judge's review of the redacted portions of the Mueller Report should be interesting. 
2020-03-07 1:26 am
The unredacted version has been available to Congress and the Senate for months now
2020-03-07 1:34 am
Conservatives, the real kind, not Trumpsters, will be voting for Joe Biden.
2020-03-07 1:26 am
It's about time someone did it.
2020-03-07 1:29 am
A Federal #neverTrump Judge overstepped their bounds? Who would have thunk it? This will be challenged to the Supreme Court. I suspect the SCOTUS will smack this ruling down. 

Besides, it doesn't change the basic facts: no collusion and no obstruction. 
2020-03-07 1:26 am
Yes , we understand the Leftists increasing desperation .
2020-03-07 1:32 am
Somebody needs to put these creatures IN CHECK to restore balance to our govt....🤔

It's called, "checks and balance".
2020-03-07 1:35 am
Of course we know how this will go. They will simply ignore the judge's order. And, if needed, ignore any subpoenas or arrest warrants that attempt to enforce the order.

That's the legacy of the impeachment result - administrations are completely untouchable, no matter what they do
2020-03-07 1:34 am
Another judge doing what he can politically, to oust Trump. It will be escalated and eventually lose. This is the issue that Trump was talking about, how too many judges are now playing politics.
What do I think? That it will end up being another nothing burger, as one thing after another that the left have hung their hats on. Has turned out to be.
2020-03-07 1:34 am
The Mueller Report was released dolt.
2020-03-07 1:27 am
"How do you feel"
Why, I FEEL just fine, honey – thank you SO MUCH for inquiring! <clap><clap><clap>
2020-03-07 1:35 am
Thanks for being concerned with my FEEEEEEELINGS.  Because, you know, this is all about FEEEEEEEELINGS.

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