In New York City. With only lesser than a handful of friends.?

2020-03-04 11:06 am
As a working class living in a large metropolitan city, New York City, do you think it is usual that only with a few friends and occasionally hand out with lesser than an hour in a cafe or have a lunch only?

回答 (2)

2020-03-04 1:01 pm
I have no idea what you're asking. I can only say that when I used to watch the old Cash Cab, New York residents seemed to be always heading out to good bars and restaurants. You should be able to make friends with other people who are working in restaurants or bars or whatever. But NYC is expensive. 
2020-03-04 11:27 am
that can happen anywheres, im in colorado and rarely have anyone to hang out with

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:50
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