Democrats who don't like Bernie Sanders: what makes you not want to support him?

2020-03-04 4:18 am

回答 (6)

2020-03-04 4:47 am
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He has neglected to explain how the path to his destination is even feasible.  Too simplistic in his ideas. 
2020-03-04 4:22 am
Nothing makes me not want to support him.  If he is the Democratic Party's candidate, I will totally want to support him because the alternative is that orange, megalomaniacal, criminal, despotic, demagogic, yellow-Troll-doll-haired, bozo, pvssy-grabber-in-chief Dotard Rump. 
2020-03-04 4:20 am
The destruction of Capitalism that he wants. 
2020-03-04 4:34 am
I will tell you what I don't like; Bernie is against people becoming a success, against the very wealthy, and yet there he is flying on private jets with Jane and not just any private jet, Gulfstream jets, the choice of billionaires and most expensive to fly per hour. He's power hungry and using innocent people to the tune of $18 per donation.
2020-07-12 12:09 am
He is a communist!
2020-04-09 2:46 am
one word, COMMUNISM

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