Do you struggle with anxiety and intrusive thoughts?

2020-03-02 10:42 am
I want to get on the right track but I wake up shell shocked with constant pacing and worrying. Constant shallow breathing and the feeling of being buried alive at times. I tried to drive to a nearby town where I grew up but that wasn't happening. A sudden rush of fear and panic sets in. Now I'm gasping for air. Adrenaline sets in and my heart races uncontrollable. Help, I cannot breathe. Everyone else is going through their day as normal being who they are, besides, what can I expect them to do, wave a magic wand upon me and cure me of my problems. I have been unable to really enjoy life and continue my dream of taking care of the elderly. I lost my job as a CNA because I could not drive  out of time or ride with anyone to take my test. Here I am a strong 40 year old man but yet I cannot even function like everyone else. It's like a switch has been hit and I cannot turn it off. Some days are worse than others. I am currently on disability, which is something I'm not proud of. I manage to get to the gym but sometimes even that can be a challenge.  Iv'e missed funerals, weddings, and many other things. It's a selfish disorder. I find my mind racing with negative things and irrational thoughts. Sometimes a nervous feeling comes all over my body and i feel as though a stiff wind could knock me down. I've always been kind of an intense person and that does not help me out any. Sometimes things around me don't seam real. If there is anyone out there i can talk to Please Help

回答 (2)

2020-03-02 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not saying that there's a quick fix for your condition, but I will say that this particular symptom - difficulty breathing with panic - often responds quickly to some simple self-help.

I'll tell you about this this and a variety of anxiety treatments.

By the way, as an ex-smoker my advice is to wait for the right time to quit, when you're not highly stressed -also to follow the advice of a doctor about this. I had good results with Nicoderm.

Psychology Today online says that Dr. Dave Carbonell is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating fears and phobias and the author of three self-help books, including Panic Attacks Workbook.

In this video, Dr. Carbonell demonstrates a breathing exercise that he says is helpful for panic attacks.

The most common therapy for anxiety is CBT. This answer tells you about other things - esketamine, mind-body awareness lifestyle, and DBT.

This is an article by someone whose doctor recommended a treatment that involves very mild pulses of electricity, CES.

Above all, I hope that you get help for your problem.

Treatment usually begins by seeing the GP, who can give you a physical and a referral. I mention referral because just a bottle of pills is not a very good approach.
2020-03-02 2:49 pm
You have pstd,ocd and an anxiety disorder your serotonin and dopamine are out of whack. Life events and diet cause this and throw things off the only way to get back is slowly one step at a time go farther and farther out and control the mechanism and behavior that your training yourself to do. To much dopamine causes a cyclic mechanism in your brain to lock and recurrent consious and sobconcious thoughts take over. This eventually leads to a break down and you cant leave your home called agoraphobia. To break this stop any drug that increases dopamine and eat a diet rich in tryptophan and probiotics to stabilize serotonin levels over time. This is biologic here at first then the fear hits and it becomes mental because you train yourself to have anxiety attacks in specific situations so you avoid them. The only way back is to fix your biological problem this will calm the panic then it's like climbing a mountain one step at a time you have to retrain your brain. Problem is it's biological so if your chemistry get's out of whack then it's theoretical that a severe attacks in McDonalds may cause you to fear going to there for a long time weird right?? 

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