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God doesn't test ALL humans at the same time. I might be further on in the faith than you are or vice versa. God tests who He wishes when and where and if He wishes.
God doesn't reveal Himself to mannkind anyway, because God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and of course He is invisible, so we would not be able to see Him anyway with our human eyes. However, God in Christ does reveal Himself to folks occasionally - if He wants them saved. He does so in their dreams and visions, and they wake up KNOWING that they have met the risen Christ their Saviour - and it changes them. It must be wonderful to meet Jesus that way. However, we can't complain because we have Holy Spirit with us ALWAYS. He even lives in us if we are true born again Christians and He continually guides us into all truth. That's how Jesus can say, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" because He remains with us always by His Holy Spirit, which is given to us by God if we obey Him (Acts 5:32)