Hospitals and Schools mostly owned either government or Religion Charities?

2020-03-01 11:23 pm
I think many USA citizens or residents might aware that most Schools and Hospitals either owned by government or Christian and Catholic charities. Do anyone know why?

回答 (5)

2020-03-01 11:24 pm
Most of the hospitals near me are owned by private health care companies.
2020-03-01 11:28 pm
Public schools exist to educate the population.
Private schools exist to make a profit, and in many cases, to indoctrinate children.
Hospitals make money for their owners.
2020-03-01 11:25 pm
Catholics ARE Christians.  Why do you need to separate them out?  One of the biggest hospitals in St. Louis is Jewish.  
2020-03-02 4:50 am
Government encroachment.
2020-03-01 11:57 pm
Yes, but I suspect that it is not because of the reasons you are thinking of.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:43
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