Do I have the coronavirus?

2020-03-01 5:54 pm
It started off with a little headache that I took care of with advil and then the next day my ear got plugged and the right one started hurting and I have a little soar throat. I did smoke weed the day before and the day of but I don't know if its that

回答 (14)

2020-03-01 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there is no evidence in your story that points to a coronavirus infection.. typical viral-fever symptoms include fever, running nose and maybe some skin rash, myalgia (muscle cramps) and arthralgia (pain in the joints).. and while a typical ear infection - Otitis Media - is primarily a bacterial infection, the bacterial infection can be facilitated by a coronavirus of the common type.. some studies have shown that common viruses (such as Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses) can help a bacteria invading and causing illnesses in the body producing symptoms of sore throat or pain in the ear (acute otitis media).. HOWEVER.. you may have 'A' coronavirus but not 'THE' coronavirus..

Coronavirus includes a large family of viruses, some causes the Common Cold (not to be confuse with the common Flu).. so if you had the Cold or the Common Cold in the past, then you may have had contracted a coronavirus (but not the coronavirus) in the past that is considered common in most parts of the world.. `

again, not all Coronaviruses are the same.. and not all Coronaviruses are the ones that is currently spreading in China and some parts of the world.. it is important to understand this part..

some members of the Coronavirus family have caused the 2007 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and the 2013 MERS (the Middle East respiratory syndrome) -- they're all are coronaviruses but they are not the same..

the one that is currently happening in China and some parts of the world is called 'the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 or COVID-19'.. COVID-19 now replaces the previous names 'the Wuhan coronavirus', 'the Novel coronavirus' and the 'the Bat coronavirus'.. these names are no longer in official use, and it is now called COVID-19..

so far.. nothing in your story indicates a COVID-19 infection.. the initial symptoms would be typical of the Common Cold: fever, running nose, some cough.. and maybe sore throat, some rash, myalgia and arthralgia.. but as the disease progresses, the cough would be more constant, you would have difficulties in breathing..

however.. to suspect a COVID-19 infection, we first need to look at your history:
have you visited China or the far east recently?
have you had contact with a COVID-19 patient? do you work in a place where you are more likely to contract COVID-19 (such as an international airport, a quarantine hospital, a cruise ship, an airline in international flights)?
do you know anyone who just came back from China?

the likelihood that you have a COVID-19 infection decreases if you answer no to the above questions.. HOWEVER, when in doubt, you are always welcomed to see a doctor at any clinic, and get tested for COVID-19 infection.. but to be honest, you should worry more about measles and influenza (the common flu) at the moment..

the common flu had killed more people in America last year (about 4800 people), than the COVID-19 coronavirus did in China since the outbreak in 2019 until few days ago (2970 people).. so if you are well enough, i would advise you to get Flu shots at a nearby clinic as early as possible..

few weeks ago, some American scientists have reached a promising vaccine against COVID-19.. but it is still in the testing phase and not yet mass-produced and made available world-wide.. and few weeks earlier, Thai doctors reached a working regimen (that works!!) to treat COVID-19 -- a combination of anti-HIV medications Lopinavir and Ritonavir in combination with anti-flu drug Oseltamivir.. this is the current antiviral medications given to COVID-19 with people still tweaking the formula to get better results..

all the best..
2020-03-01 6:19 pm
You think that we can determine if you have a specific virus over the internet?!?!?!?! Seriously??????
2020-03-27 8:56 am
I believe anyone that shows symptoms of any kind should Quarantine  they have mild cases and we really don’t know which way this Virus will go
Wash Hands, Stay away from people  if you live with someone make sure your away from them
Be Responsible especially right now 👍
2020-03-18 9:21 pm
SUMMER has obviously been lucky enough to have avoided the corona virus but unfortunately contracted the dreaded TDS! Trump derangement syndrome has found homes in already brain damaged kool aid drinking LIBTARDS! Symptoms include name calling when confused, hate filled comments against normal patriotic freedom loving Americans, demon like behavior focusing on death and destruction.......Try drinking some more leftist kool aid summer....that might help! :)
2020-03-01 6:06 pm
Are you finding hard to breathe? IF NOT - then you do NOT have the Coronavirus.
2020-04-14 1:58 am
I don't believe so. I have the same thing right now and slept if off. However the fact that you smoked canibus was a bad idea and should never be done. The smoke can irritate the interior lining of the sinus passages and cause pain and inflammation. Because the entire sinus and auditory are connected, the inflammation in the sinus passages can extend to the lining of the auditory canal and what not. Considering that you smoked, that explains quite a bit which automatically out-rule the chances of you having Covid-19. 
2020-03-26 12:06 am
The corona virus is very serious and dangerous. It is important that we protect ourselves. Please read the following article:
It provides helpful and practical precautions that we can take to protect ourselves.
Also, please feel free to visit There you can find Bible-based comfort during this difficult time.
2020-03-22 11:04 am
go to the hospital
2020-03-08 1:09 am
Many are concerned and perhaps for good reason. I enclosed a website that you can go to for valuable information on how we can protect ourselves. I wish you well.
2020-03-04 2:15 pm
This is just a symptom of ear soar, that is plugged due to cough. you have to take treatment, It can be create serious problem in your ear. This is not cause of Coronavirus. 

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