Why won't people go the speed limit when driving?

2020-03-01 9:53 am
I always go the speed limit. I was going to church of all places the other day and some psycho was tailing me and honking. I guess I wasn't going fast enough. 

So you should break the law because its inconvenient. Got it. 

回答 (17)

2020-03-01 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
AVERAGE IQ is 100.  For all over that, there are those under that number.  Perhaps the person honking had an IQ well under 100?
參考: My IQ is adequate and I drive at the speed limit.
2020-03-01 9:58 am
If your on a two lane road don't worry about it, if you are o a 4 lane road and in the right lane don't worry about, if you are in the left lane - YOUR  FAULT! MOVE OVER TO THE RIGHT UNLESS YOU ARE PASSING A SLOWER VEHICLE.
2020-03-01 10:12 am
Because nobody cares about the speed limit. They are outdated and do not reflect current traffic and vehicle conditions. Cops usually don't enforce speeding unless it's by more than 10mph anyway, so
2020-03-02 5:35 am
Society has slowly gotten into a condition of being frustrated and selfish.  Or selfish and frustrated.  Together, these 2 traits are bad, but then society has also become extremely impatient.  These 3 traits are self-perpetuating and dangerous.  So now it was explained to you.

The guy behind you who is pushing you and driving unsafely will try to make you drive the same way.  Do you have the self determination to continue driving safely when others attempt to push you to drive unsafely?

Add smoking and drinking and drug usage to the situation.  How much more until there is injury or death??
2020-03-01 2:26 pm
You were likely on the passing lane.  Get out of there if you are not passing.
2020-03-01 10:03 am
I drive 5 mph over speed limit usually and they still tailgate me like that.
2020-03-02 5:46 pm
Drive the speed limit and where it is 55 or above it could be slightly over. In town where it is slower I try not to go over that. I was going through a small town the other day where it was 35 as this was 5:30 in the morning and some idiot passed me there and it was double solid lines! Needless to say I left my high beams on and laid on the horn when he passed!
2020-03-01 10:00 am
Because most people are inpatient and in a rush to go nowhere and they never think they will get pulled over by a cop or in an accident
2020-03-01 8:06 pm
I do 65 in the cage. no matter if SL is 75.

In Right lane. I always find some trucker doing 65. No one honks  at me.
2020-03-01 9:55 am
too many people are in rushes

Try not to go over the speed limit unless there is some valid safety reason to
2020-03-01 9:55 am
You guessed right. You were not going fast enough. The fact that god or jesus hasn't answered this question for you should really tell you something too. 
2020-03-01 10:18 am
cause they dont want to
2020-03-02 4:38 pm
about 80% of drivers are actually Inificent and afraid of cars where i live the speed goes from 50klm an hour to 60 to 70 to 80 to 70 to 60 to 50

Most of the Drivers sit on 60 so they don't need to worry and when i overtake them in the 80 zone i get the Finger
2020-03-02 11:28 pm
I guess I wasn't going fast enough. 
2020-03-01 12:15 pm
1. Some speed limits seem outdated (e.g. speed limits marked on USA freeway exits) They may have been appropriate when all a person could buy is a car that looked like a coach wagon but tech has improved since then
2. Maximum speed limit is boring. Have you ever done 65mph in a Mercedes??? I have and it feels like the car is going 35 to 40 mph
3. Many people are rebellious
2020-03-01 4:43 pm
Why won't you grandma drivers get over to the right and let traffic go past you? Instead most of you slow driving butt wipes like to block up traffic in the left lane with a gritty crap grin on your face while the roadway turns into a snail paced gridlock. Lead, follow, or get that snail fricking car out of the way of others traveling on the roadway! If you can't drive 75 MPH on the freeway, stay the frack off high speed roads and drive on the side streets! BTW azzwipe, you calling yourself GOD as a username is blasphemy, you're better off sticking with the "I'm A Delirious But Habitually Repenting Moronic Sinner" scenario no doubt!
2020-03-01 11:19 am
It is the POSTED speed limit, not the actual speed limit.
Your speedometer is a liar.  Car speedometers are generally 5% high.
At an indicated 50 mph, you are actually going just 45 mph.

Basic Speed Law -- http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&sectionNum=22350.
No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

If you understand the Basic Speed Law, you can ignore the posted speed limits.  I have ignored the posted speed limits for 50 years, never have got a ticket.  If you don't understand the Basic Speed Limit, you should stop driving.

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