Democrats are great on green energy but refuse to give Trump the money for his massive planting of trees to offset carbon emissions Why?

2020-03-01 8:46 am

回答 (8)

2020-03-01 8:49 am
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Because democrats want the money for their own vile purposes.
2020-03-01 8:51 am
Doesn't matter what it is, if Trump wants it - they're automatically against it.
2020-03-01 9:46 am
a program is good only if the Dims are the ones to pass it
2020-11-19 10:31 am
People have given trump enough money over the years and never got anything back for it!
2020-03-17 8:04 am
Not their idea can’t let Trump win even if he’s correct. Sad little creatures liberals.
2020-03-01 8:51 am
When exactly did trump propose a planting campaign?
2020-03-01 8:50 am
if you pay all the illegals to plant trees who will mow my lawn? wash my car? make my take out food?
2020-03-01 8:48 am
Trump is not trying to plant any trees.  He might have said that, but he’s been around for over three years as President; so, everyone knows that would be bull****.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:03:37
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