How do reinstall photoshop cc2020 I'm already have a paid account?

2020-02-29 8:08 am
I had to reinstall windows 10 so now I also lost my photoshop so need to reinstall it

回答 (4)

2020-02-29 9:03 am
Go to Adobe's page and download the software. Since you already have a paid account, you will be able to download the program without any problem.
If you only own Photoshop, just download the trial here and sign in with your account once you have it installed.

If you have the whole suite, you'll want to download Creative Cloud and pick and choose what you want installed from there.
2020-02-29 9:45 pm
when you sign in after installing Photoshop the license will be activated
2020-02-29 8:30 pm
Since you have an account at Adobe, just contact them if you need to reactivate.

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