How can I cope with someone I care a lot for moving away?

2020-02-29 5:57 am
I don't want them to go...but want them to be happy. They're going back to their home country... I feel like I'm loosing someone very dear, although I can express the extent of my feelings to them. I feel so sad I'll never see them again 😭😪

回答 (2)

2020-02-29 8:35 am
Unfortunately people do move away and friendships can come to an end.

But you do not know what happiness is around the corner and eventually you may have a new best friend.

I know it is hard for you to see this person leave but take up every opportunity to socialize cos then you will not dwell on this situation and you will also feel better for doing things.
2020-02-29 6:52 am
You don’t know that will definitely never see each other again and it’s getting more and more easy to keep in touch. If they’re leaving soon then you could try and do something really memorable before they have to go.

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