What scares older black Americans about Bernie's communism?

2020-02-29 2:59 am

回答 (8)

2020-02-29 3:10 am
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This isn't a race issue, but it is certainly an age issue. Generations who were exposed to McCarthyism and Bert the Turtle can't seem to reconcile this propaganda with Bernie's "socialism." They fail to see it for what it is, a sort of rhetorical matador's cape. The zombie of McCarthyism, kept alive in the Republican party, sees red and charges. Bernie pulls back his cape and sticks in his sword. You already have enormous government in the form of corporate handouts and bloated military contracts, what is so bad about health care and education?
2020-02-29 2:59 am
There's nothing communist about Bernie.
2020-02-29 3:27 am
Sanders is not a Communist, as he does not advocate the abolition of the wages system and the establishment of a classless stateless society. So your question is beside the point.
2020-02-29 3:00 am
That people like you don't know the difference between communism and socialism.
2020-02-29 3:09 am
The fact that they have not been "woke" to Communism at Leftist Universities while earning worthless degrees.
2020-02-29 3:06 am
He's not about communism, he's about socialism.
2020-02-29 3:02 am
Probably the communism part...

You know, the part that led to the slaughter of over 100 million people who refused to submit to communist tyranny?

And, the collapse of the Soviet Union under communism?

These things should scare everyone with a brain.

2020-02-29 3:02 am
They remember the stories from their great grand parents about the democrat's "controlled"  south. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:54
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