Global pandemics have been going on since the dawn of time so why do the Democrats blame Trump for not doing enough?

2020-02-28 11:51 pm
This **** is going to happen no matter who is in office. It's naive to think that this can be stopped with "modern technology/medicine"

回答 (8)

2020-02-28 11:53 pm
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Trump is doing fine so far. He put those who tested positive for it in quarantine. Nothing more we can do reaIIy. PeopIe are making a big deaI out of him appointing Pence to oversee the CDC or whatever... not a big deal
2020-02-28 11:55 pm
So Trump is in charge when the market goes up but has no control when it goes down. Sure thing moron. You can't spin lies one way and than not expect it to come back and bite you in the azz.
2020-02-29 12:01 am
His job is to respond to such threats.  Americans should hold him accountable for how he responds.  If he does a poor job the he should be called out for it.  Any of his supporters who refuse to do that are doing a disservice to their country.
2020-02-28 11:56 pm
No one has been tested in the USA while 100,000+ have been tested in South Korea, Japan and hundreds of thousands more in China. Trump is in over his head, cutting CDC, cutting CDC's global response team that President Obama put in place. he's a nut brought to you by the Republican Party. They own this.
2020-02-29 12:26 am
<<<Global pandemics have been going on since the dawn of time>>>

They have been going on for thousands of years, but no since the dawn of time.

 <<<why do the Democrats blame Trump for not doing enough?>>>

Maybe because "Trump Fired the Entire U.S. Pandemic Response Chain of Command in 2018"

Maybe because Republicans blamed (and are still blaming) Obama for the way he handled the Ebola outbreak. 

Maybe because some of the stupid things Trump has said about it.

Maybe because Trump appears to be most interested in controlling the political implications by doing things like banning CDC from openly discussing it.

Maybe because of the whistleblower who said US workers weren't ready for evacuees.

I am not saying all the blame Trump has received is fair, but as president he will always get credit and blame he does not deserve.
2020-02-28 11:54 pm
BS. All that I am seeing is that Trumptards are praising Trump when he screws up, and they routinely say that his fart smells good. There was no global pandemic in the past because people could not travel from one place to another as quickly. A person can be anywhere with the earth in a couple of days by air travel in the 21st century. Europeans did not bring diseases to the Americas until a few hundred years ago.

All that Trump is doing is to say that there is not going to be an epidemic, when his own health officials said otherwise. He also fired the top health official that deals with pandemics. If there is a pandemic, he is to blame. He cannot take credit for the good economy that started during Obama's first term, and he surely cannot blame Obama for the CoronaVirus epidemic that is coming.
2020-02-28 11:51 pm
Because they can.
2020-02-28 11:55 pm
well.... the last mass shooting wasn't done by a white guy and there isn't enough energy coming out of the DNC primaries to power the LED on your wireless mouse....

what else have they got?

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