Was Bill Nye embarrassed when Ken Ham was wiping the floor with him during their debate ?

2020-02-28 11:39 pm

回答 (6)

2020-02-28 11:47 pm
It's your fictional scenario, you get to decide what your characters feel.
2020-02-29 8:40 am
No, the only thing that needed wiping off the floor were Ken Ham's tears from being butt fu<ked in his own museum and fans. Bill smoked him.
2020-02-29 4:33 am
Bill was naïve enough to believe one can debate a belief. I guess he didn't understand that logic and facts are not required for one to chose to believe in any of the many gods.
2020-02-29 1:12 am
Ham embarrassed himself in that debate.
2020-02-28 11:50 pm
Probably embarrassed that Ham was so uninformed about basic facts.
2020-02-28 11:41 pm
Bill Nye has no shame.
So, no, not embarrassed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:04:23
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