Is "fake news" the only explanation for how Trump's incompetence is harming the financial markets?

2020-02-28 11:36 pm

回答 (9)

2020-02-28 11:42 pm
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The markets do not trust Trump the markets fell the minute Trump blamed the Democratic debates for the virus.
2020-02-28 11:42 pm
No... l think it's pretty accurate. Look at which stocks feII the most... Coke, Verizon, Boeing, JP Morgan, Johnson & Johnson, etc. lt's not any particuIar industry or trend that's causing it. Investors are Iosing confidence in American stocks. LikeIy because of how the country is handIing a major viraI outbreak that will greatIy impact workers and production.
2020-02-28 11:45 pm
Not the only, but certainly part. Clearly the coronavirus is affecting the US and global markets. 

Trump has handled this very well thus far.  He is trying to moderate between not causing panic, while still elevating concern.  It is a tight rope to balance on. 

He stopped flights from China, giving the US more time to prepare. Democrats like you called him racist for doing so. 

He put an EXTREMELY competent female doctor who specializes in pandemics in charge of the fight on the ground offensive and he put Pence in charge as well, which is very smart.  NO president can dedicate all of their time to one issue, no matter the issue. Pence can dedicate his time to this issue while carrying the full weight of the executive branch in his decisions. 

Unlike the LIES that Democrats like you are telling, the CDC did not have their budget cut, but instead had their budget increased. 

The real issue is that Democrat leadership sees this as an opportunity to hamstring Trump and sow panic. Democrat leadership is more interested in political points than saving lives. 

The other issue are people like you. People too brainwashed and into TDS to actually take time to think about anything. You don't think, you emot. Sorry that life is not your vision of unicorns dancing on rainbows farting out all the money we need to fund Medicare for all. Sorry life is messy.  Now go to your safe space replete with cookies and videos of puppies frolicking and let the adults handle this one. 
2020-02-28 11:41 pm
Here in the real world, the markets are reacting to the worst-case-scenarios being predicted regarding the corona virus.  What world are you in? 
2020-02-28 11:40 pm
Investors are worried because factories in China are shut down and the parts and inventory that US businesses now depend upon are drying up.  How is that Trump's fault?
2020-02-28 11:39 pm
Not the only explanation.
Fake news is part of it.
The other part is,
the US President doesn't affect the financial market.
If it were the case that the US President did affect markets
the President Obama was a really bad president.
2020-02-28 11:42 pm
It's the only explanation his genius can come up with!
2020-02-29 12:59 am
The crash is purely due to knee-jerk reaction and somewhat irrational fears to the cornavirus. Trump cannot be blamed for this, especially due to his preemptive actions he started last month in creating travel restrictions with China, which the Left called him "racist" for doing at the time. This has resulted in only 15 cases of coronavirus contracted by people in the US so far (no one says there won't be more). 45 others have been brought back to the US and quarantined. When this fear subsides, the market will gain back most of what it lost.
2020-02-28 11:46 pm
NO, it is just trump

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