Is there a big difference between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders?

2020-02-28 7:58 am
Bernie and Warren have been on the same train for years. With Warren predicting the 2008 crash and both herself and Bernie supporting "socialist" policies for some time now. Am I the only one that feels that (because Bernie is leading Warren) Warren should drop out and become Bernie's Vice President Nominee?

回答 (6)

2020-02-28 8:48 am
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Only Bernie can explain the difference between their socialist programs
2020-02-28 8:09 am
As a Native American, Warren better understands minority issues.   
2020-02-28 8:30 am
If you look at what they promise and how they plan to "pay" for it, their platforms are actually quite similar...and that was largely by design.

It was pretty clear from the start that the entrenched party Old Guard in DC appointed Warren and Harris as their hand-picked nominees...but as has been their habit over the past several years they completely overestimated their own cleverness and greatly underestimated the level of voter sentiment against them...

Warren was supposed to be "Electable Bernie"...someone to make all the right promises while sounding less "nutty" and appeal to the establishment voters of the Northeast.... Harris was supposed to draw in voters from the West and the youth vote in general.

Their miscalculations have now put them in a bind, however.  Harris is long gone, Biden...once called "the favorite to beat Trump" ... may be gone by this time next week... the notion of a Warren VP slot may actually be a lose/lose proposition for both Bernie and the Old Guard.....

First, Bernie is shrewd enough to know that he needs a balanced ticket to overcome the "wacky old socialist" label... Warren is only 8 years younger than Bernie and may come across as "too much of the same."

The Old Guard, on the other hand, probably sees a Bernie nomination and loss to Trump in November as an emerging "best case" scenario....allowing them to do what they do best:  fan the flames of anger and division until it can be manipulated in their favor.
2020-02-28 8:04 am
Warren is riding on Bernies coat tails. That is, until the wind starts blowing on another direction. 
2020-02-28 8:04 am
Warren has back peddled on Medicare for all, has decided to go negative against Bernie with weird lies and accusations and her poll numbers have taken a dive as soon as she did that.
She is great on policies in regards to standing up to banks and regulating the financial industry. However, at this point I think she can do the most good by staying in the Senate where she is likely to pick up some key chair positions or maybe even majority leader if the Dems tale control as is likely to be the case in November. She can return in 2024. I predict Bernie may not seek a second term.
2020-02-28 8:00 am
one is a woman and the other is a man, yea, big difference

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