Do you have a mental voice?

2020-02-28 7:25 am
I'm not asking if you hallucinate and "hear voices" in your head, I'm asking if you can make a voice in your head say things. Can you say your name and hear it in your head? When you read do you hear the sentence?
Personally I do and it's hard for me to imagine what it's like not being able to "hear myself think".

回答 (4)

2020-02-28 8:09 am
2020-02-28 7:39 am
Yes. I'm pretty sure everyone does unless they are deaf.
2020-02-28 7:35 am
Sometimes I think with words and I can hear them, but the voice doesn't always sound the same. Could be a man or woman's voice.
2020-02-28 7:27 am
If you mean talking to yourself, maybe.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:07:39
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