Why a Manager has a soft spot for a co- worker?

2020-02-27 5:34 am
Just curious, I over heard one of the managers speaking to a couple of my co workers. she said she has a soft spot for one of my co- workers in her heart.

I am not entirely sure what she means by that. He use to work in our department but then moved to another one. 

My question is what does that mean and why would a manager have a soft spot for an employee?

回答 (4)

2020-02-27 6:31 am
You have some people you work with who you care more about than others.  So does your manager.  It's simple human nature.  
2020-02-27 6:22 am
It simply means they feel empathy, appreciation or fondness for someone and it's  none of your business why.

Maybe that employee has a permanent brain injury but always gives 100% effort and always has a good attitude.

Maybe that employee is going through a nasty divorce and the boss knows exactly what that's like. 
2020-02-27 6:20 am
If you really think it's any of your business, then ask her.
2020-02-27 5:43 am
Perhaps they know their personal situation and it warrants some empathy...

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:49
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