Why is it that every country or state Trump visits, fighting breaks out? Just asking and wondering. No dumb remarks please.?

2020-02-27 1:37 am

回答 (16)

2020-02-27 1:40 am
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If we lived in older, more superstitious times, they'd be saying it's because he is possessed by an evil force, probably a demon, that is affecting other people. 

Granted many Trump types would probably still say that...if they weren't worshiping him.
2020-02-27 1:40 am
Because the Left doesn't have a defined set of values/ morals/ respect, etc. They abandoned the values of people who think those things are important, and replaced them with nothing definable. One reason for this is because they don't deal with the individual, they deal with people according to group.
Jordan Peterson challenges The Radical Left
參考: bisexual Christian
2020-02-27 1:39 am
TDS and the Lefts lack of impulse control .
2020-02-27 1:56 am
No dumb remarks? The question is dumb. Fighting does not break out in every country or state Trump visits.
2020-02-27 1:41 am
Because those on the Left are inherently violent. 
2020-02-27 1:39 am
Because liberals love to get violent... Google antifa violence...
2020-02-27 1:37 am
No dumb remarks
Same could be said for such a dumb question
2020-02-27 1:50 am
More liberal Fake News.  Watch Fox News if you want the truth how great Trump is for America and the world.
2020-02-27 1:49 am
Because trump Incites rage
2020-02-27 1:45 am
He is very divisive. Many people think he is a scummy degenerate.
2020-02-27 3:38 am
That's exactly what happened in North Korea.
參考: sarcasm
2020-02-27 2:37 am
People need to relax.
2020-02-27 1:38 am
He was just in Phoenix. It's terrible here right now......

2020-02-27 2:05 am
Why is it when Obama was President there were RIOTS in all large cities? Obama set race relations back 50 years.
2020-02-27 1:53 am
Because liberals are so full of hate.  Look at their attack ads showing 24/7 that they are all Commies full of hate.
2020-02-27 1:43 am
It’s just a coincidence. No need to worry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:43
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