1) Donald Trump is a professional criminal and liar. He tells Americans that our free press is "fake news" when it reports what he does and says. Then he offers "Alternative Facts" which are not factual at all.
2) This week, Anderson Cooper interviews the disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagoyovich who claims he was a "political prisoner" not unlike Nelson Mandela. When reminded that he tried to sell Obama's senate seat for personal cash, he says it was merely quid pro quo in politics and our own president was acquitted from doing it. therefore he is innocent. ********!
3) Bernie Sanders when questioned about how he would fund his new programs, he admits that he has no idea. His plans may be popular but if no practical plan for implementation is offered, are they also ********?
I hate commerce is looking for a link to Blagojevich selling Obama's Illinois Senate seat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Blagojevich_corruption_charges