In American politics, do you think the public is sick and tired of BULLCRAP?

2020-02-26 7:37 am
Consider these three recent American Political realities:

1) Donald Trump is a professional criminal and liar. He tells Americans that our free press is "fake news" when it reports what he does and says. Then he offers "Alternative Facts" which are not factual at all.

2) This week, Anderson Cooper interviews the disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagoyovich who claims he was a "political prisoner" not unlike Nelson Mandela. When reminded that he tried to sell Obama's senate seat for personal cash, he says it was merely quid pro quo in politics and our own president was acquitted from doing it. therefore he is innocent. ********!

3) Bernie Sanders when questioned about how he would fund his new programs, he admits that he has no idea. His plans may be popular but if no practical plan for implementation is offered, are they also ********?

I hate commerce is looking for a link to Blagojevich selling Obama's Illinois Senate seat:

回答 (8)

2020-02-26 7:39 am
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Unfortunately the American public is just stupid to understand or care about any of this.
2020-02-26 7:49 am
In American politics, do you think the public is sick and tired of BULLCRAP?

Yes, so STFU with your lies. IF you haven't noticed your famed CNN is not exactly trusted and we all know you are a liar. 
2020-02-26 7:46 am
You are starting to see the precedents this president is setting for wealthy and connected low lifes like him.

You have to lead by example if you want to be seen as authentic. Whether right or wrong.

This do as I say and not as I do. Doesn't cut it. Because its bad for business. Regardless of the righteousness and/or wickedness.

Its dictatorial.......🤔

Something America has al-ways regarded as bad for business.

Drago just demostrated why.......
2020-02-26 7:40 am
Yes , we are tired of the Leftist MSM fake news and related Bullshyt . Also tired of the Democrats Bullshyt abuse of authority , false accusations and malicious prosecution .
Not to worry , the Left will be stripped of any majority they would otherwise be tempted to abuse .
2020-02-26 9:41 am
link to blagoveich trying to sell his seat
2020-02-26 7:46 am
The media is quite often fake news, or heavily biased with an agenda, they don't tell you the things they really don't want you to know. Trump is a criminal and a liar as half of the rich elite billionaires are. Their industries are inherently corrupt and inherently dodgy. Weapons, oil, drugs, casinos, sweat shops, pharma, tobacco, psychic hotlines, religion, etc. How Bernie will fund his programs is most probably taxes on the mega rich billionaires I just mentioned, who suck all the money out of you, the largest industry taking the most money being drugs, pharma, tobacco and alcohol. They're drug dealers, the US government is worldwide drug dealers, that's the largest industry in the world, and a drug dealer mass murderer tax would be more than appropriate. 
2020-02-29 8:12 am
Free press is a political correctness claim to the public. and Donal Trump's 'fake news' is media's purified news.

Purified news are designed to maintain social stability. Purified news are not truth, but it is a "political correct" position for medias.

Today, our behaviors, our ways of thinking are highly affected by medias. In other words, what we do, what we like, what we are pursuing is all media directly  to tell us.

For a reader, with and independent judgement skill to analyze which are purified news, which are political correct report, which are ideologies is much more important than what the media opinions are.
2020-02-29 6:41 am
Tell me again what crimes you purport the president has committed?  News that has accused Trump of everything from peeing on prostitutes to conspiring with Russia that keeps being demonstrably false makes fake news an apt, if not understated position.

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