Why don't churches teach about the Sky People as mentioned in the Bible the Anunnaki?

2020-02-26 3:16 am
and that the Bible is written from the Sumerian texts which came several hundred years before any author in the Bible.

回答 (10)

2020-02-26 3:49 am
2020-02-26 8:29 am
Because there is no such thing as "the Bible the Anunnaki"
and because churches follow the Christian Bible.
2020-02-26 4:46 am
There is no anunnaki in the Bible...you don't know what you're talking about.
2020-02-26 3:18 am
Okay, so I'm smoking a little bit of lemon sour diesel. What are you on?
2020-02-26 3:41 am
 Because most churches have not told people the truth about God and his Word the Bible. That is one reason why we are going from house to house .
2020-02-26 3:39 am
They like to control the BS.
2020-02-26 3:20 am
This seems relevant.  The Sky People seek war no more!

2020-02-27 7:25 pm
Maybe the churches of that religion do.
2020-02-26 4:11 am
The Bible is clear that all human tribes were once close enough to GOD to understand the 'real story' of how we got here, what the nature GOD and His 'angels and demons' actually are and exactly what He expects of us, (Romans 1:18-32), but they KNOWINGLY chose to reject His vision for humanity and purposely decided to become fixated on lower order animals and other created things, including the demons inspiring these aberrant fixations.

Pointing out 'similarities' between ancient texts should come as no surprise then, since scripture not only contains new revelations about GOD and the other higher life forms of Creation, but also 'answers' to statements made by other traditions and clarifications about things previously revealed or poorly explained in the other cultures and tribes that decided to reject Him. 

Especially the further you go back, the closer to 'right' these revelations were. They were once even 'common knowledge.' Where deceptions have entered into these otherwise truthful narratives, GOD makes a special point of clarifying the differences. 
2020-02-26 2:24 pm
"aliens" are fallen angels. WE are Elohim, created in the image of God, they are not.

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