How you determine which president you vote?  Based on Health Care Policies? Foreign Trade Policies? Businesses Reform?

2020-02-25 9:10 am

回答 (8)

2020-02-25 9:18 am
I will vote for the candidate with a track record of making the US economy the strongest in the world by cutting business taxes and eliminating unnecessary regulatory red tape.
2020-02-25 9:17 am
For me step 1 is not being a communist
2020-02-25 10:48 am
none of the above. Economic policy is my number one and foreign policy number two.
參考: btw, Trump is ahead, 2 to 0
2020-02-25 9:14 am
Liberals pick the candidate whoever offers the most free stuff.
2020-02-25 9:13 am
For me? Immigration, foreign policy, and the economy are the most important. 
2020-02-25 9:11 am
Anyone that's not a socialist.
2020-02-25 9:18 am
Moron or not moron.
2020-02-25 9:12 am
Economy and national security ,,,,,,, including our border .

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:49
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