What does this statement mean in competitive exams questions?

2020-02-25 12:18 am
What does this statement mean in competitive exams questions?
"define waves of feminism & its scope and significance with especial reference to India."
What does "especial reference" means in the question?

回答 (2)

2020-02-26 10:38 am
It means India has a singular and somewhat sordid history on female empowerment and so your essay should discuss only that and not be about gender relations in other countries. As just one example there's never been another world culture that at one time expected widows to jump onto the funeral pyres of their husbands so they wouldn't be a burden to their adult children. That's a little messed up coming from a western perspective...but that's what this prompt is asking for.
2020-02-25 12:57 am
there was a girl by the name of iampro who used to be a meber here, she was from india, she was smart. sexi lexi was a tramp.

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